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One of our most exquisite tiebacks, marvel at the robust and elaborate
appearance of Imperial Netted Skirt Single Tieback:
Winter Sun. At a stellar 11", Imperial Tieback descends from
its cord
origins on through a meandering journey of curled threads that flow
through a net covered bulb where a variety of multicolored tufts
finally blossom.
Soft touches of white, light gold, yellow, natural and sandstone combine to give our Imperial Tieback its complex characteristics.
Indulge your discriminative tastes by taking advantage of this preeminate tieback creation. Complete luxurious drapes with Imperial Netted Skirt Single Tieback: Winter Sun.
Soft touches of white, light gold, yellow, natural and sandstone combine to give our Imperial Tieback its complex characteristics.
Indulge your discriminative tastes by taking advantage of this preeminate tieback creation. Complete luxurious drapes with Imperial Netted Skirt Single Tieback: Winter Sun.