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This psychedelic fabric offers an array of decorative images in a 12 ½” v by 18 ¾” repeat , to cut and manipulate just the way you want for your next holiday craft project. Make great scrapbook spreads, school projects and party decorations with this soft and lightweight cotton fabric.
Witch hats, pumpkins, bats, broomsticks, goblins, stars, crescents and owls all pose in model perfect fashion across a midnight black backdrop for your viewing pleasure. With enough space in between each repeated image, cutting and application come with ease. The plethora of images are available in an assortment of sizes, shapes and patterns, creating a colorful and textured material to work into fashion.
Halloween will never be the same when Fright Night Scrap Book is used. Whatever you decide, don’t wait too long. Halloween comes each year, but the fabric won’t stay forever. Click ‘buy’ to order your print today!