Top 5 World Cup Fabric Crafts from J&O!

Called ‘soccer’ by most Americans, yet better known as ‘football’ by the rest of the world, the game of endurance, precision, determination and pure adrenaline has been around for over 3000 years or more and it has no intention of leaving anytime soon.  This is the game of football, and the FIFA World Cup is the goal every team is fighting for.

Found in almost every corner of the world, football brings people from all social-economic, cultural and political backgrounds together for one common cause, to see their country bring home the trophy! From South America to Canada and everywhere in between, no other tournament represents such a wide scope of diverse nationalities as professional football, on or off the field. Even the stands are a college of color as flags representing almost every stitch in the human patchwork can be found.

This year for their first time ever, the professional football league (FIFA) is holding its tournament in one of Africa’s greatest Nations,  South Africa;  and boy has it been a showdown of blood, sweat and tears as players give their all with the hope of bringing the awesome 18 carat gold and malachite figurine home for good, or at least for the next four years. For the next 3 1/2 weeks, the process of elimination will come down to two teams, two goalies, one ball and an epic expectation of over 3 billion viewers watching. We’ll see you at the matches!

In celebration of this great international game, it’s athletes, and all its fans,  J&O Fabrics offers our:





1. lounge pants







2. fleece pillow






 3. hair scrunchies







4. bedding





5.  ball bag







Check out our fabric selections here:

soccer themed fabric

sport themed novelty cotton

sport themed novelty fleece


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