Why Mohair Makes the Perfect Jacket
If you’ve ever lusted after the exquisite clothing in a J. Peterman catalog, you’ll be happy to know that handmade luxury is yours for the asking. What we like about their products is how they capture the sense of another time and place. If you’re in the mood for yesteryear, wouldn’t a smoking jacket, made of ultra-fine mohair, present a perfect next project?
Besides being elegant, mohair fabric provides warmth in cold months and keeps you dry if you live in a damp climate. The tightly woven strands provide insulation for the body and its moisture wicking properties keep you toasty warm.
Emulating the styling of vintage Hollywood, a mohair jacket symbolizes high fashion, especially with its versatility. Mohair can be woven with cotton, silk or wool.
With its solid fiber construction, the mohair jacket has stood the test of time as a role model for what is called elegant in the fashion world.
The main difference between sewing regular fabric and sewing a fabric with pile is that as you sew, the pile tends to shift and move. So here are a few tips when sewing with this natural fur. .
1. Try always to sew in the direction the pile is running.
2. Pin your pattern pieces together with a lot of pins (every inch or so.) This prevents buckling and shifting.
3. Never sew over your pins.
4. Position a 2″-wide strip of silk organza between the presser foot and the mohair layers to prevent the coat seams from stretching as you sew. Trim the seams to 1″, and wrap the organza around the raw edges for a clean finish. (Check your pattern instructions for the seam allowance.)
If you have a cultivated, contemporary man in your life, heads will turn when they see him wearing your European-inspired mohair jacket.