If you have ever had a pet, especially a dog, you know how much they like to gnaw and entertain their Freudian oral fixations from time to time. Heaven forbid your cute canine finds boredom in their day, then so much for your pair of brand new sneakers and other objects of play. Of course one can find a million toys at a local pet store to spend their last $10 on, but why buy when you can make it I always say. Enter our D.I.Y. fleece toys for dog blog!
Tag Archives: tutorial
Category Of The Month: African Fabric
Widely appreciated for their craftsmanship and vibrant colors, the textile and designs of African fabric often create the kind of appeal that inspires breathtaking traditional garments, eclectic home decor, memorable celebratory events and more. From waxed metallic cottons most popular in Nigeria and other West African countries, to traditional Kente from Ghana and Bogolanfini mud cloth from Mali, the creative uses offer a multitude of options to satisfying an array of project needs not only for special occasions, but everyday use as well.
DIY Cornhole Toss Tutorial
Played mostly at football games and as a form of competitive recreation, Cornhole, also known as corn toss, bean toss, or bag toss, is a lawn game where players take turns throwing bags of corn (or beans) at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. The objective is to get the bag in the hole until the individual or team reaches 21 points. The first one to get there wins.