Take Me Out to the Ballgame!


Take me out to the ballgame! Baseball has always been an All-American sport. We just can’t get enough home runs for the home team and strikes against the visitors.

I must admit I’m a bit clueless when it comes to some sports, but I love baseball. I guess it’s because my Dad and I enjoyed playing catch until the lightning bugs came out. When our favorite team was playing we’d pop our own popcorn or pick up a few boxes of Cracker Jacks to munch and crunch our way through the game.

Vegetable Novelty Prints for the Gardener


Seems to me that I’ve meet several people who sew and are passionate gardeners too. Often the two seem to go mysteriously hand-in-hand. Perhaps it’s a love of color and beauty that makes creatives yearn to not only beautify their living quarters but everything around them. Gardening brings the beauty of the outdoors into our kitchens and in-turn our dinner table. So, if you’re a fan of veggies and fabric have I got news for you! We offer vegetable novelty prints for the gardener!


Make Your Summer a Lasting Memory with J&O!

With the lazy, hazy dayz of summer slowly approaching, thoughts of laid back days along exotic umbrella covered beaches, long Sunday drives in your drop top convertible, and majestic sunsets that never seem to end come to mind. But the one symbol of summer that has withstood the test of time as one of the most nostalgic memories of the season is the infamous back yard BBQ.