NFL Players Play Pretty in Pink All For the Cause!

Whether it was the Eagles defense….or lack of it, the numerous Raiders sacks, or the multiple injuries along the way to the 9-13 Eagles loss last night against the Oakland Raiders is not what is most important as I sit here behind my monitor formulating my blog for the day. The real issue for me as I review post game footage of these big strong football players tackling and pounding one another in true grit fashion, is that several of them are doing so in in pretty pink cleats and gloves. And it does not stop there. As I look onto the sidelines, another player is sporting a pink quarterback towel in his pocket while the man shouting out the plays in a pink cap that matches his pink patch on his jacket. If I didnt know better, I would think the long awaited and highly anticipated “coming out” party had finally begun. Nevertheless, I was mistaken. What was unfolding before my eyes in fact, was the NFLs efforts to support the National Breast Cancer Foundation and help raise awareness to this often times curable yet deadly disease affecting millions of women worldwide, as well as within the NFL family itself.

Until the end of October, NFL games will be continue to be designated as NFL Breast Cancer Awareness games, as teams designate home games in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and plan special in-stadium or pregame events with local organizations. Just check your local Breast Cancer Foundation or NFL site for listings.

Breast Cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the United States. Help reduce the risks for our mothers, daughters, friends, wives, lovers and most especially yourself with these simple preventive steps. After all, isnt welcoming in another birthday in health and happiness worth it!
1. Balance your emotions. Love yourself.
As women, we are taught to take care of everyone first, ourselves last. Give yourself permiss-
ion to nurture yourself as much, if not more . Your breasts will thank you for it.
2. Drink plenty of water.
Water is the best thing you can give your body to restore and replenish lost fluids from poor
diets, polluted environments, and stress. So drink up!
3. Exercise, exercise, exercise!
The best way to keep the toxins from stress and and American lifestyle from destroying our
health is to work it out. Move your body, dance your body, play your body away and release
all those harmful chemicals from within. Your beautiful vessel will thank you for it!
4. Get your mammograms, ultrasounds, or alternative breast exams each year
once you reach 40. Sure they may be a little uncomfortable and seemingly inconvenient, but
like mama used to say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
5. Laugh, laugh, laugh!
Because of the chemicals released when we laugh, it really is the best medicine for a stressful
life. So laugh, and let your whole body celebrate along with you!
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