Celebrate Women’s History Month With J&O Fabrics


March 8, 1911 marked the first celebrated International Women’s Day in many European nations as well as the United States. Women from around the globe gathered to talk about women’s rights and their place in society. From their historic presence in the Bible and contributions throughout history, to their movements in modern day society, many womens’ groups focused their energies around areas of substance, passion and purpose.  Books were written, organizations were formed, many even sparked protests and debates that created lively conversation and shifts in the norm that some were not ready for.

A Java Fix With Fabric?

How do you prefer your coffee? It’s doubtful any of us would ask for our coffee to be fabric-y. Yet in a sense that is what one Taiwanese manufacturer is providing. Eco-fashion company Singtex has started making shirts using a patented process that converts coffee grounds into yarn. According to the general manager of Singtex “one medium cup of coffee can make two shirts”. Though the shirts look like any other sportswear, they are fast drying and have anti-odor properties. These environmentally friendly fabrics also provide UV- protection.

Though we don’t currently off coffee ground based fabrics, we do carry natural and organic fabrics at J&O Fabric Store:

From Rags to Riches: The Robert Kaufman Fabric Story

Everyone loves a great rags-to-riches story. The worlds of sports, entertainment and business abound with tales of men and women who made a better life for themselves. The story of Robert Kaufman is the tale of a Russian immigrant who made his way to the United States hoping for a more prosperous future. Kaufman’s hard work started to pay off as by his early twenties he was already the proprietor of the successful Meadowpark Clothes, a men’s clothier.

“Pressure Makes Diamonds!” By Consumer Savvy Carol

The old school saying, “pressure makes diamonds” vibrates as a hopeful reminder that in these crazy economic times, the threat of financial hardship crushing us can serve as a motivation to use our God given imagination to create lemonade out of lemons. And not just any old lemonade either. I’m talking about the kind of lemonade that gets discovered, packaged and sold as an exotic beverage because of its unique texture and taste. You know, the kind that only you can make because there’s only one you in this whole wide world. The kind that creates a demand so great that instead of baking under the unrelenting sun as you earn just enough to get by, you instead find yourself basking under a warm and generous sun as you await your next check from the shares in your now successful beverage line. And to think, this time last year, you were fearing foreclosures and bankruptcy.