Where did the infamous ‘bow tie’ get its start and what purpose did it serve? It wasn’t to keep a man’s neck warm and it surely wasn’t to make him feel more comfortable. Maybe it was designed to simply keep his collar closed or strategically draw attention to the length of his beard (which in some cultures is a measure of wisdom). Whatever the reason it first made its debut, we found its presence in history and fashion important enough to do a little research and share our findings.
Tag Archives: novelty-cotton-fabrics
Children’s Stories in Fabric
Bedtime stories are a beloved tradition in the lives of children. What was your favorite story as a child? Was it the tale of Little Red Riding Hood? How about the Three Little Piggies? Perhaps you were enchanted by the delirious rhymes of Dr. Seuss or the enchanting stories of Little Golden Books. Regardless of your favorites as a child, those timeless tales always retain a special place in our hearts and memories.
Here are some novelty cotton fabrics that will remind you of the stories you heard as a child. They will afford you to weave new memories from your childhood stories:
Spiraling Cotton Prices and Their Meaning for You
For the past months the textile industry has been rocked by skyrocketing prices for cotton. Bloomberg News reported that cotton futures in New York have surged 71% this year as the global supply struggled to meet demand, resulting in a record high for cotton prices last week. The problem has been felt accutely by American textile mills as the cost of cotton yarn has forced them to pass some of that cost onto fabric retailers. Retailers have also felt obligated to raise the prices at which they sell the mills’ fabrics. Ultimately, consumers for cotton novelty and dress fabrics have been paying more than ever for the fabrics they need. Even powerful retailers such as Gap, J.C. Penney and Wal-Mart have felt the effects of soaring cotton prices.
Automobile Fabrics from Alexander Henry
Have you ever been driving down the highway and felt the desire to find an endless, winding road? Or maybe you simply want to put the pedal to the metal and see what your die can do. If you have ever felt the call of the open road Alexander Henry’s automotive fabrics are for you!
The imaginative designs, bold colors and high quality of the Alexander Henry’s cotton fabrics stand out from the crowded field of novelty fabrics. These aren’t just utilitarian fabrics, but rather fabrics that can inspire you to create. Quilts, Hawaiian shirts and other garments, lampshades, curtains and much more can look better than ever by using Alexander Henry novelty fabrics. Here are a few examples:
Another Top 10 Quilting Disasters
Garish colors, strange patterns and terrible stitchwork will make for an ugly quilt. Yet very few people will ever admit to making an ugly quilt. A few brave souls admitted as much and posted their quilting failures online. Following is a list of Another Top 10 Quilting Failures. They may not be uglier more original than the chicken with full lips, but they can certainly try:
10. The Disinterested Dog Quilt
9. The Nightmare Quilt
8. Getting the Seasons All Wrong Quilt