D.I.Y. Fleece Dog Toys


If you have ever had a pet, especially a dog, you know how much they like to gnaw and entertain their Freudian oral fixations from time to time.  Heaven forbid your cute canine finds boredom in their day, then so much for your pair of brand new sneakers and other objects of play. Of course one can find a million toys at a local pet store to spend their last $10 on, but why buy when you can make it I always say. Enter our D.I.Y. fleece toys for dog blog!

Super Bowl XLVIII DIY NFL Fleece Tutorial

With NFL Super  Bowl Sunday XLVIII less than a month away,  Seahawks, Patriots, Broncos and 49er fans far and wide are upping the ante and showing what true fans are made of…one craft at a time. For fabric suppliers like J&O Fabrics, these next few weeks leading to the final countdown are as grueling as they are exciting. From making sure our chain of supply and demand is met by our various manufacturers, to personally assisting our valued customers with their unique project needs,  Super Bowl season and all that comes with it can be crazy at time, but it makes it all worth while when our beloved teams win.

How to Make a No Sew Fleece Blanket with Fringe

How to Make a No Sew Fleece Blanket with Fringe

We have so many adorable novelty fleeces in our store!

Here’s one idea on how to use them.

With just a few supplies you can make a No Sew Fleece Blanket with Fringe. This is an inexpensive way to get creative while making someone you care about feel special. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Scissors or Rotary Cutter
  • Straight Edge
  • Minimum one yard of fleece fabric.

Ask Netfah: How Many Yards Do I Need for A No-Sew Fleece Throw?

Dear Netfah,

I was interested in making one of those no-sew fleece throws for my Baltimore Ravens loving boyfriend who will be stationed overseas for yet another Superbowl Sunday, and was not so sure how many yards of material I needed. He is about 6 ft 2 and about 260 lbs. Any suggestions?

Missing my NFL, Clearwater-Fl.

Dear Missing my football,

Bring in Winter 2008 With JO Fabrics & Cool No-Sew Fleece Throws!

Blankets are a great gift for your loved ones this Christmas season. And hand-crafted blankets or throws created with specific loved ones and friends in mind, are sure to please. You don’t need to have any sewing skills to create one either. With J & O’s wide selection of 100% poly-winter fleece and a pair of scissors, you can make a warm lightweight blanket for loved ones over seas, little ones at home, even for those less fortunate. A warm winter fleece blanket can make even the loneliest of souls feel loved.