Top 5 Funniest NFL Fabric Crafts

How far would you go to show off your devotion to your favorite NFL team? As the picture above shows, fans are often willing to lose their dignity – or that of their pets – to prove their fanship. Where would you draw the line?

You may not be one to cross the line separating good taste from bad. Nevertheless, some of the following strange craft ideas surely started off as good ideas. What went awry? We’ll leave that to your imagination. Here are our Top 5 Funny NFL Crafts:


Denver Broncos' fans don't all look like this

Do You Have Million Dollar Hair?

Gentlemen, we can rebuild him.

We have the technology.

We have the capability to build the world’s first bionic man.

Steve Austin will be that man;

better than he was before.

Better, stronger, faster.”

– from the opening sequence to the Six Million Dollar Man

If you were going to build a better man where you begin? The muscles? The limbs? The brain? The… hair? The titular character from the television series Six Million Dollar Man had bionic limbs and an infrared eye with a 20:1 zoom capability. In saving him from a terrible plane crash, the government famously spent six million dollars to make special agent Steve Austin “better, stronger, faster”.

Top 12 Crazy NFL Fans and Their Costumes

With the World Cup dominating sports headlines for the past weeks – and for a few more to come – the devoted NFL fan might be experiencing a bit of withdrawal until the pre-season begins. While soccer has claimed the moniker of “the beautiful game”, football prides itself on being more… rustic. With that in mind we’re counting off a list of twelve of the craziest NFL fans you’re likely to see and their shabby inventive costumes. You may recognize some of these characters, a few of whom have obtained a modicum of fame (or infamy, depending on who you root for). You may even recognize yourself reflected in the outlandish devotion of these fans.

The Supreme Court’s Ruling Against the NFL: Good for Fans? Good for NFL Fabric?

American Needle v. NFL

In a decision with far-reaching consequences, the Supreme Court has ruled unanimously in favor of plaintiff American Needle in its antitrust lawsuit against the NFL. The origins of the lawsuit stem from 2000 when American Needle lost its contract to make officially-licensed NFL hats when the NFL signed an exclusive licensing contract with Reebok. Throughout the lawsuit’s circuitous course through the court system, American Needle has sustained that the NFL’s actions violated antitrust laws because the league acted as a single entity, while American Needle contended that the league should be recognized as 32 separate teams. In explaining the Court’s decision, Associate Justice John Paul Stevens said: “To a firm making hats, the Saints and the Colts are two potentially competing suppliers of valuable trademarks.”

Last Day to Vote! J&O’s “Coolest Handmade NFL Craft” Contest

With today being the last day to submit your picks for your “Coolest Handmade NFL Craft” contest projects, the votes are still pouring in, and our contestants are not the only ones feeling the excitement of a possible win. As the polls keep rising, there is no telling who will take the lead by the noon cutoff on Super Bowl Sunday!

J&O Guide to Voting for “Coolest Handmade NFL Craft” Contest

Trying to secure your spot in our “Coolest Handmade NFL Craft Contest” but having a hard time getting votes because Facebook is making hard for your friends and admirers to vote?

Trying to vote for your favorite NFL craft, but can not seem to get through to the voting polls on our Facebook site?

Have no fear, help is here!
After tireless attempts to maneuver throughout the links and pages, we figured out a quick and easy way to get your votes in counted for and our creative crafters one step closer to $50 free cash!

Step One:

Let the Voting Begin! J&O “Coolest Handcrafted NFL Contest!”

Do you know what today is? Its February 1st, the day many of our Facebook Fans and J&O followers have been waiting for. Its the day you get to start logging in your votes online for your choice of the “coolest handmade NFL crafts” from the selection of unique and creative entrees posted on our Facebook page over the last few weeks.

To vote simply,

* Become a fan of J&O Fabrics on Facebook

* Visit our fan photos under our photos section