FREE MONEY With the Purchase of a Yard of Fabric at J&O!

That’s right, with the purchase of just one yard of our popular money print fabric, you can walk away with hundreds, even thousands of dollars on print for FREE! Turn your $8.50 into over $800, turn your $10.98 into an easy $1,098,000 …all with just a clik of a button! Keep it for yourself, give it away, turn your money into an investment and double your spendings. Getting the money is the fun part, the other half is deciding what you are going to do with it!





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J&O Fabrics and You!

As one of the largest fabric stores in South Jersey, J&O Fabrics constantly strives to meet our customers’ fabric needs, textile inquiries and crafting solutions with the first hand knowledge and general concern that over 45 years of being in the fabric business provides. Even as we move deeper into the age of technology, and new material from all around the world is being placed at our fingertips with just the click of a button, we at J&O continually strive to maintain that personal rapport with our customers that our growing family owned operation was built upon. From the teen aged novice at our local high school purchasing a few yards of the latest designer dress fabrics for the fashionable masterpiece that will ensure her a chance at fame as the next top designer in ‘Project Runway’, to the experienced interior design group from Italy that orders no less than 50 yards at a time of our top shelf tapestry and upholstery to create dream rooms for their celebrity clientele; no request is too big or too small.