Something Old, Something New….5 Cool DIY Wedding Craft Tutorials for You!


Although largely a British custom, the old English rhyme “something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue” connected to weddings is said to attest to the human tendency to value continuity and new beginnings, unity and separation. Something old represents continuity; something new offers optimism for the future; something borrowed symbolizes borrowed happiness; something blue stands for purity, love, and fidelity; and a sixpence in your shoe is a wish for good fortune and prosperity. While various renditions of this tradition have been adopted into wedding ceremonies crossing both cultural and ethnic divides, it’s symbolic meaning has remained intact offering traditionalists and new-agers alike the opportunity to incorporate and make their special day as unique as the love the two of them share.

J&O Fabrics Crafty Customer: Ginny’s Cool Curling Iron Cozies!

As our Facebook Fan page keeps growing, more and more of our crafty customers are showing off their cool creations for our J&O family and community to view, share, and comment on. One such fan is fellow Facebook page holder, Ginny Axtell from San Antonio, TX .

Ginny showcased one of her convenient curling iron cozies on our J&O Fabrics Facebook page and we liked it so much, we wanted to know a little bit more about her and her hobby. Turns out, Ginny not only creates for family and friends, but has her own blog page to show others how to do so too. Featuring a host of tutorials, hand crafted items, and her own personal ‘favorites’ section, Ginny had this to say about her journey into DIY crafting madness …