What a selection of creative costumes our facebook fans have had the pleasure of viewing and judging these last two weeks! Over a month ago we started with sixteen Halloween costume entries that made it into the 3rd Annual J&O Fabrics ‘ Most Creative Handcrafted Halloween Costume Contest ‘ voting bracket, and after all was send and done, we ended with four. Check them out below!
Tag Archives: halloween-crafts
J&O Fabrics: 3rd Annual Most Creative Handcrafted Halloween Costume Contest
If there is one thing that being in the fabric industry for over 45 years has shown us, it’s that despite the change of seasons and passing of generations, Halloween is one of those celebrated holidays that continues to beckon the creative imagination and stirring a parade of popular tv and movie characters, ghoulish monsters, funny faces and exotic personalities hidden behind extravagant costumes to take to the streets each time Oct 31st comes around. With this little known fact in mind, we at J&O fabric store vow to continue to play our part in conjuring the creativity of our customers with not only awesome fabric, but the opportunity to get it for free just in time for the festive parties! From scary looking Halloween themed novelty prints and fancy dress fabrics, to versatile felts and funky retro’s, bringing the bizarre into existence is just a click away! And what better way to showcase them than thru our 3rd Annual Most Creative Handcrafted Halloween Costume Contest!
J&O Fabrics Final Days to Enter ‘2nd Annual Most Amazing Handcrafted Halloween Costume Contest !”
J&O Fabrics 2nd Annual Most Amazing Hand-Crafted Costume Contest Week 1 Update
Just to wet your creative juices a little, here are a few of our Fun Facebook Fan postings so far. Are they creative or what??!!
J&O Fabric Store: 2nd Annual Best Handcrafted Halloween Costume Contest!
Not a season goes by that doesn’t give our customers, as well as our staff, reason to celebrate. If it’s not simply the thoughts of nostalgia that each season brings, then it’s the wonderful holiday memories that give reason to raid our themed novelty prints in search of that perfect fabric for festive Christmas crafts, beautiful Easter projects, 4th of July’s, or best of all…Halloween!
J&O Fabrics 1st Annual Handcrafted Halloween Costume Contest Day 3….
Medieval wear seems to be the theme for many of our Handmade Halloween Costume entrees, and boy do we have the perfect fabric to make yours #1!
From beautiful brocades, soft princess satins, and modern mid-century prints, to charmeuse, organza and colorful netting, J&O Fabrics has not only the fabric, but the trim to turn a few yards of material into a few dollars in your pocket!
Contest Info: The 1st Annual Most Amazing Hand Crafter Costume Contest entry with the most votes on Facebook by Oct 31st will win a $50 American Express Gift Card.
Halloween Card Crafts from J&O Fabric Store.
It’s Halloween, and the children are all dressed up in their hand-crafted, store bought or make-shift costumes waiting for the festivities of the day to begin. Perfect Peggy is practicing for the bobbing for apples contest that could win her first place and an extra bag of treats. Little Johnny is placing a ‘kick me’ sign on the back of loud mouthed Marvin’s cowboy vest in hopes to see some great responses from his classmates. And Simple Sally is all giggles as she juggles oranges in her Homey the Clown outfit.
Trick-or-Treat Halloween Tote Bags. Fun Fabric For All!
When we think about Halloween, thoughts of ghouls and goblins, witches and warlords, and trick-or-treaters often come to mind. This is the one night in October where all the freaks come out to grab some candy, frighten old ladies, and put enough fear in the hearts of the young and old to last a lifetime. In preparation for the festivities of the night, many gather together in a frenzy of orange and black to bob for apples, feed their faces with every sweet treat under the sun, and parade around town in fashionable hand-made Dora and Spiderman outfits in hopes to win 1st place in the Kindergarten Costume contest. By sundown, these little kiddy boppers are wired up and ready to do some damage in their neighborhoods as they travel door to door in search of more goodies to fill their sugar craving vessels.