Face Mask Fashion From Around The World


Nigerian face mask fashion

Armored up and blinged out true Nollywood style! 

As health officials and government leaders around the globe have been taking precautionary  measures to  ‘flatten the curve’, fashionistas world-wide have started to fall in line in their own creative way.

What started out as a safety measure, in a seemingly short time, became yet another way to express ones self while aiding in the fight against the spread of COVID-19.  And although mostly a trending safety protocol for now, we have a feeling it’s an accessory that’s here to stay awhile.  As such, we thought it would be fun to virtually travel around the world for a little inspiration capturing. After all, if it’s going to become part of our daily ensemble, we might as well make it the creative tool of individual expression and fashion it can certainly be.

Celebrating African Fabric Textile Contributions !



As Americans celebrate the inventions and legacies of Africans / African-Americans throughout history this month, reflections of their art, history and cultural traditions can be found in almost every aspect of our society. In recognition of their traditional African fabric textile contributions,  the J&O Family would like to take a moment to highlight some of the beautiful waxed prints and metallics available for your crafting and quilting pleasure.

Category Of The Month: African Fabric

Widely appreciated for their craftsmanship and vibrant colors, the textile and designs of African fabric often create the kind of appeal that inspires breathtaking traditional garments,  eclectic home  decor, memorable celebratory events  and more. From waxed metallic cottons most popular in Nigeria and other West African countries, to traditional Kente from Ghana and Bogolanfini mud cloth from Mali, the creative uses offer a multitude of options to satisfying an array of project needs not only for special occasions, but everyday use as well.

African Inspired Prints

Namib DesertAfrica is such a beautiful and diverse country teeming with amazing wildlife, rivers, mountains and deserts. The cultural history of the continent and its people dates back to the cradle of civilization. Fabric in Africa has a millennial story behind it. It truly is sacred to the culture. Philosophy, ethics, morals and history are all conveyed through each thread. Not only are the patterns valued as a means to communicate a message but also the colors that are chosen are significant.

Joyous African Fabrics at J and O!

Part of the rich cultural history of Africa is reflected in the traditional textiles of the continent. As in so many other parts of the world, the textiles of Africa abound with meanings and associations, as do the finished products made with them.

On a recent trip I made to the gorgeous South African city of Cape Town, I saw first hand the variety of colors and textures available in African fabrics. Certain traditional textiles have become virtually pan-African, as many of the fabrics sold in the famous Green Market off Long Street are in fact from Nigeria. The textiles -sold either on their own or as finished garments- evinced beautiful geometric patterns and vibrant colors.