Felt Flash Cards Craft

Learning is easy and fun with these felt flash cards! Easy to make and great for children, just grab some felt or fleece fabric from J&O and add this to your arsenal of at-home learning tools!

Felt fabric flash cards

You can make these felt fabric learning cards in a flash!

You will need: (for a set of 16)

  • ½ yard of felt fabric for the bases, and more colors for the letters and numbers.
  • 16 large eyelets or grommets
  • Fusible interfacing
  • Large metal ring (2.5”)

Felt fabric flash cards

What to do:

Felt Fabric Tooth Fairy Pocket

The days of loose teeth getting loose are gone with this handy Tooth Fairy pocket! Simple felt fabric makes a perfect storage satchel for a child’s tooth, just stow it under the pillow and replace the tooth with the loot!

Tooth Fairy Pocket

Finally, a tooth keeper for the Tooth Fairy ritual! No more fears about teeny tiny teeth going missing in the bed! 

You will need:

  • To believe in the Tooth Fairy
  • Some bright felt fabrics from J&O Fabrics
  • Wool felt in Ecru
  • Embroidery thread in ivory or white
  • Embroidery thread to match your felt

Felt Owl Pencil Holder Craft and Fabric

Looking for adorable desk storage ideas? This felt fabric owl pencil holder is a cute way to organize your workspace at home or the office! Click through our selection of felt fabrics and make your own version today!

Felt Owl Craft

Soft felt owl pencil holder to keep a watchful eye on your workspace


You will need:

  • Felt fabrics. Decide what colors you want the eyes, body, wings and head to be, then just place your order with J&O Fabrics!
  • Contrasting embroidery thread will make your owl stand out, but if you prefer a more matchy style, coordinate.

Felt Birds on the Fly

These felt birds are whimsical and fun, and can be made in a flash! Do a simple online search for a bird pattern that you love, trace and cut out! Next you can add your own wings, eyes and details to make it your own. Fabric and felt birds are a cute addition to a child’s room–and have the versatility to be created with virtually any fabric and color, or craft felt fabric. Felt is a fabulous texture for an animal craft, one your little ones will enjoy touching and showing off!

Felt Bird Crafts

Felt birds can be created in all shapes, sizes, patterns, materials and colors!