As one of South Jersey’s largest and longest operating family owned fabric stores (45 years and going strong), we receive calls from crafters, artisans, designers, sewing novices, and even expert seamstresses/tailors constantly. Some call inquiring about proper yardage for commercial projects, some call seeking advice regarding the characteristics and use of specific textiles, and still others call in a desperate attempt to secure hard to find and otherwise unavailable prints from the one source they know that has built its reputation on providing their customers with some of the industry’s most popular licensed prints and top quality decorative fabric at discounted prices over the years. J&O Fabric Store even has customers who have been with us from the start and can still remember when a yard of a novelty cotton cost as little as $1.50. Unfortunately, though our reputation as a reliable one stop source has remained, the days of pulling out a dollar or two for a yard of fabric are long gone. What’s even more challenging is that at the current rate the textile industry as a whole is going, what we pay for novelty prints one month, has the potential of increasing by the next without warning. Like unstable oil and gas prices we’ve been forced to endure, we are experiencing fluctuations at every turn when it come to cotton material as well, as a result, everyone from the manufacturers down to the individual consumer feels the sting of it.
Tag Archives: facebook
J&O Fabrics: 4000 ‘Likes’ = $40 For Lucky Four!
What do the numbers 4000, 40, and 4 have in common? Well, aside from the fact that they’re all divisable by 4 and 2, then not much else… unless you’re a fan of J&O Fabrics on Facebook.
Ann Kelle Inspirational, Fun, Classic Designs!
I’m so happy to be visiting the J & O Fabrics blog today. To share a little bit about myself . . . After working for the Mayor of Nashville for several years, my childhood love of art was rekindled when I went to the store to purchase art supplies as a stress reliever. Two years later, I took a step of faith and launched a collection of note cards at a stationery show in New York. A week later, my designs were being presented to Target where they would eventually appear on a variety of paper products found not only on the shelves of Target, but of Barnes and Nobles and several boutiques as well.
J&O Fabrics & Facebook…’She Likes Me, She Likes Me Not.’
In less time than it takes the average seamstress to organize her sewing space….again, J&O Fabrics has increased our Facebook fan base to 3,500 and we owe it all to you, our fabulous customers! From our interactive sewing tips and crafty fabric project ideas, to our exclusive discounts and creative contests, our J&O Fabrics/Facebook family packs a wealth of talent and information within the four walls of our home, office and laptop monitors on a daily.
Top Ten Facebook Sewing Tips of the Day
Just about a month ago J&O Fabrics started posting our “Sewing Tip of the Day” on our Facebook page. Some sewing tips got more of a response from our Facebook Friends than others. According to those responses, here are our top ten, or maybe I should say your top ten.
1. Keep a magnet near by, if needles
and pins drop on the floor, it’s a quick pick up!
2. Save all of your hand sewing, buttons etc. for a beautiful day. Then take advantage of it and sew outside!!
Top Five Facebook “Fans” Sewing Tips of the Day
If you visit our Facebook page you’ll notice that we have a Sewing Tip of the Day. Fans get the chance to “like” these tips or comment on them. Sometimes the comments they make become another great sewing tip.
Here is a list of our top five tips from our Facebook fans.
Our Tip: Thread looks darker on the spool than it will on the fabric. Choose a thread a shade darker than the material you’ll be using it on.
Fan Tip 1. “I always pull a strip of the thread out and place on my fabric to check for correct color” ~ Donnette
J&O Fabrics First 20 Sewing Tips of the Day.
Just about a month ago J&O Fabrics started posting our “Sewing Tip of the Day” on our Facebook page. Below you’ll find our first twenty posts.
20. If you are going to work with cotton knits that are NOT preshrunk, remember to wash first otherwise you will surely loose inches on your yardage.
19. Keep a magnet near by, if needles
and pins drop on the floor, it’s a quick pick up!
18. Try a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door to your sewing room (if you have one)