J&O’s 10 Top Most Popular NFL Fabrics!



With an exciting 2014 NFL football season already well underway (Go Eagles!!) quilters, crafters and die hard fans are buying up NFL fabric stock to make everything from quick-n-easy no-sew-fleece-throws to customized gifts rep’n the teams they (and others) love with visions of Superbowl 2015 wins dancing in their heads or if nothing less, some great games and stories along the way.

So what does all this mean for manufacturers and distributors like J&O Fabrics alike?

Demand! Demand! Demand! :O

Go Green! Top 10 Eco-Friendly Terms To Look For On Your Next Shopping Trip.


We are living in a time when the rich resources our loving Mother Earth has provided us with are now, as a result of abuse and misuse by man, in need of sustaining to ensure their provision not only for her living inhabitants now, but for future generations to come. It is because of this, that a growing awareness in and ‘go-green’ consciousness of creative ways to assist in this precious recycling of resources has developed. From Number 1 PET or PETE soda and water bottle plastics recycled into polar fleece, to the use of natural fibers, dyes and chemical free cleaning processes on our textile goods, being eco-friendly has become as necessary as it has trendy!

How To: Easy Bean Bag Fun

Remember bean bags? Those comfy, floppy, easily movable blobs that are great for book reading and TV watching?

If you liked them (or loved them), you’re in luck.  They’re easy and cheap to make, and J&O’s selection of sturdy denim and upholstery fabrics means that your bean bag can be as stylish, outrageous, or sophisticated as you want it to be.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Fabric for the outer lining
  • 4 yards x 2 feet OR two pieces 2 yards x 2 feet if you want contrast
  • Should be strong and sturdy (see below for recommendations)

HOW TO Make: Michael Jackson Famous Glove

The Glove

You know you want one.
It’s actually pretty easy to make your very own Michael Jackson style glove.

First, find a glove, try a thrift store, costume shop or hardware/automotive shop. Lots of times white gloves are worn to protect things from our skins natural oils.

If you want to make a version with rhinestones. You can still find the original beadazzler on line, some craft stores still sell them and there are tools available that do the same thing. Rhinestones that glue on are available too. There are lots of options out there.

A History of Fabric

From ancient times the value of clothing has been an essential element in human culture. Over time textiles superseded animal skins as the primary means of clothing the body (notwithstanding certain dark corners of the Vegas Strip).
Early textile fibers commonly were flax – a fine linen – and felt, a textile produced by matting, pressing and condensing fibers. While most felt is currently manufactured out of synthetic materials such as acrylic, it initially made use of the wool produced by sheep.
Wool continued to be the dominant fiber from which European fabric was woven throughout the Greek and Roman ages. Both Greeks and Romans wore garments primarily made from the readily available source of wool. Additionally, linen and hemp were common fabric fibers. At the time silk and cotton were imported in available in small quantities to the elite that could afford them.
During the following medieval period European fabrics remained basic, with styles changing mildly with the arrival of new conquerors. Despite the distances and varying languages clothing across Europe remained generally uniform.
From late medieval times through the Renaissance

How To Save Money by Purchasing Fabric: NBC NEWS and J&O Fabrics Store

NBC News Aired a Segment on How to Save Money with Fabric featuring J&O Fabrics Store.

A necessity from the past,
years in collecting dust,
is humming to life again these days.

For people like Laura Ogden, it is a way to save big bucks.
“I should be a millionaire because of all the money I’ve saved.”
Though times or not, Laura says she’s always been an Arts and Crafts kind of person.
“Whether it’s painting, taking photographs, sewing”
or taking on bigger projects like with this old chair, and giving it a makeover.
“I had an upholsterer come in and give me a price which I think is a fair price, $300. to recover a chair.” but Laura says she knew she could do it herself for a fraction of the cost. A little know how and fabric.“It will probably end up costing $100. at the most to finish recovering it”

J&O Fabric Store Celebrates “National Children’s Day!”

Before George W. Bush left office, the former U.S. President proclaimed June 6th as National Childs Day. Similar to National Childrens Day proclaimed by ex-president Bill Clinton in 2000; this is a day set aside to honor the children of America and show our gratitude to those who work hard support them including, parents, teachers, community and spiritual leaders, surrogate moms and dads, and various youth organizational volunteers. This day serves as a reminder to all of us that our commitment to the children helps make our country and future a better place.

In honor of National Childs Day and children all over the world, J&O fabrics offers a wide selection of fun and fabulous children themed prints and designs to tickle any childs fancy. From popular Hannah Barbara, Sesame Street and Disney characters for our teeny boppers, to Hannah Montana, Wizard of Oz, sports and diva fashionista fabrics for our young adults; there is truly something for everyone in between the walls of J&O Fabrics.

2009 Pulitzer Prizes on J&O Fabrics

The Pulitzer Prize is a prestigious yearly series of awards that covers journalistic, photographic, musical and literary work judged to be worthy of special recognition. The prize was established thanks to a bequeathment left by Joseph Pulitzer to Columbia University upon his death in 1911. The first prizes were awarded in 1917 and have been awarded annually ever since.

Many prominent American artists, historians and journalists have been recognized for their achievments by being awarded the Pulitzer Prize, announced in April of each year. There are 14 categories of Journalism in which awards are presented, along with 7 categories in Letters, Drama, and Music. The 2009 winners were announced April 20.
The awards in Letters, Drama, and Music:
  • Fiction: Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout (Random House)

Consumer Savvy Carol: The Hand-Me-Down Solution

I remember when I gave birth to my first son over ten years ago. I was a first time mom and unexptected single parent earning a modest living as a designer with no real nest egg set up for myself or my little one. I worried whether or not I would have enough money to buy formula, pay the bills to keep the roof over our heads, or keep him clothed properly when it seemed every day he grew a little more.

NCAA March Madness at J&O Fabrics

Mad”ness\, n. [From Mad, a.]
1. The condition of being mad; insanity; lunacy.
2. Frenzy; ungovernable rage; extreme folly.
Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary

The arrival of March signals the long-awaited thawing of winter’s ice and snow. Birds begin to chirp, buds sprout and gentle spring colors lighten the landscape. As the saying goes: “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb”.

In the midst of all this gentleness lurks a recurring madness that blows in with March and builds to a frenetic conclusion in the final weeks of the month. This seasonal insanity is aptly called “March Madness”; among its symptoms are the strong growing weak, the weak growing strong, and constant talk of Cinderella.