Today J&O Fabrics and millions of other folks striving to become more environmentally conscious are celebrating the 39th Anniversary of Earth Day not only across America, but in countries like the UK, Philippines, Venezuela, Spain and Togo too. If you’ve never heard of Earth Day or the ideology behind going ‘green’, then you’re in for a treat. Today, and in the days and weeks to come, you will probably be bombarded with information and resources on how you can help create a healthier planet and give back to Mother Earth for all that she has done for you…without you even having to ask. From the air we breath, water we drink, and ground we walk upon, Mother Earth has been taking good care of us over the years, so why not show her how much she is appreciated by recycling our papers and cans, using less plastic and NON-biodegradable materials, and preserving our water usage. By just taking one step in favor of a less polluted and more sustainable environment, we can each play our part in saving our planet and ourselves!