J&O Crafty Customer: Pearl Hinz’s Nebraska Huskers Quilt




Every now and again one of our crafty customers shoots us an email sharing a pic or two of projects they’ve completed with the help of our wide range of fabrics. One such lady is Pearl Hinz.

Mrs. Hinz sent us a Nebraska Corn Huskers themed quilt she created for her nephew using our collegiate cotton material featuring the popular team logo and mascot in a red, black and white color theme.  Using several square cuts, she overlaid black framed Husky prints quilted in a similar fashion creating a beautiful heirloom for her sister’s son to have for many years to come. Workmanship like this is truly a labor of love.

Heat N’ Bond Tips and Tricks

j&o fabrics

Heat N’ Bond adhesive is a strong, paper-backed, iron-on adhesive designed for non sew apparel, craft and home decor projects. It’s solid layer of glue provides plenty of bonding strength, and requires less heat and shorter pressing time than many other fusible web products. With its advanced formula, Heat N’ Bond puts an end to fusible web limitations to provide the craft maker with superior results in a wide range of applications. It is quick, convenient and leaves professional looking results. This being said, we’d like to take a moment to share some additional tips, tricks and uses that are sure to make your Heat N’ Bond experience a successful one!

Ask Netfah: DIY Tips For Cutting Foam Padding.

Dear Netfah,

I am somewhat on a budget yet need to replace the cushion on one of my living room chairs that my husbands’ 93 year old mother has decided to call home over the past year. The job seems simple enough and would save me some money, but a few pointers are needed if you wouldn’t mind. I guess an idea of what to cut with would be a start. Heard scissors would suffice, but I am looking to purchase a 4 or 5″ thick foam padding. Any suggestions?

~ signed Fugal Female


Category Of The Month: African Fabric

Widely appreciated for their craftsmanship and vibrant colors, the textile and designs of African fabric often create the kind of appeal that inspires breathtaking traditional garments,  eclectic home  decor, memorable celebratory events  and more. From waxed metallic cottons most popular in Nigeria and other West African countries, to traditional Kente from Ghana and Bogolanfini mud cloth from Mali, the creative uses offer a multitude of options to satisfying an array of project needs not only for special occasions, but everyday use as well.

How To: Sew A Felt Needle Book

Felt Needle Book Finished

It is a fact, I love to sew. It doesn’t matter if it’s on the machine or by hand. I also enjoy embroidery and have a couple dozen projects in progress. Since summer is soon approaching that means I’ll be traveling again. When I travel I like to pack my sewing and embroidery gear with me. So, I created this felt needle book to keep my pins and needles in place while on the road. The felt keeps them secure. If I have a needle already threaded it can easily be tucked away for a quick repair anytime and anywhere!

Anchors Aweigh Nautical Fabric

There is something that is so comforting about being near the sea. You can smell the salty air before you even see the water. The cool sea breezes are irresistible on a hot inland afternoon. I love strolling up and down the coastline searching for shells, sea glass and other treasures washed ashore by the rolling waves as sea gulls circle overhead.

Since I only get to visit the ocean and don’t have the luxury of living on the coast I like to bring a little of the sea into my home via fabrics that compliment my seashore treasures. In fact, I’ve noticed that nautical fabric is all the rage in apparel for kids and adults alike. So, if you’re looking to freshen up your home, add a few of these decorative fabrics in your cart today!

3 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

Earth Day

Earth Day was born on April 22, 1970 as was the foundations of the environmental movement. Now, forty-two years later, we are still finding new ways to live a greener lifestyle and create a smaller carbon footprint for the good of our planet and future generations. Crafters have even picked up the baton and found new ways to repurpose clothing and recycle household waste into some pretty amazing craft projects.

Springtime in Paris

Eiffel Tower

The beautiful city of Paris has been home to art and fashion lovers for centuries. Famous artists who hid away in their attic studios throughout the city created many masterpieces we now see in large art galleries around the world. Throughout the centuries this city has been a beacon and compass for our culture. Whether you have had the opportunity to stroll the city streets and climb the Eiffel Tower or not  you are sure to love these romantic, Parisian-inspired prints which are perfect for your spring projects.

Fun Time in Paris Novelty Print

J&O Fabrics Crafty Customer: Victoria of Scraps and Straps!



jandofabrics, scraps_and_strapsAs our Facebook Fan page keeps growing, more and more of our crafty customers are showing off their cool creations for our J&O family and community to view, share, and comment on. One such fan is fellow Facebook page holder, Victoria Fogle of Scraps and Straps .

A while back, Victoria posted a picture on our Facebook page of a laptop case she made with some fabric she purchased from us online. We asked her if she was willing to tell us a little more about her creations and this is what she had to say…

Novelty Fleece for Winter’s Last Chill

Winter Scene by cliff1066image by cliff1066

The weather is still quite cold where I live. I often go for a brisk evening walk, braving the cold, just to get a bit of fresh air after spending the entire day indoors.  My daughter usually tags along and so our walks require quite a bit of bundling to ensure we stay toasty as the wind whips by. Our fleece scarves, hats and mittens are must-haves for winter’s chill.

There is nothing like making a project with fleece, it’s so soft and warm. I can’t wait to get my hands on some and sport the finished project! Check out some of my favorite novelty fleece below, along with my project to-do list!