Consumer Savvy Carol: Cheap Ways to Organize your Sewing Room

By organizing you’re sewing space you save time, room and money.

Here are a few ideas to get you started.

First of all NEVER buy anything that isn’t on sale. Most organizing tools can be found at 50% off, second hand, trash picked or you can re-purposed items you already have. Try to be open-minded in you’re search for things to organize with. Shelves, baskets, containers, e gg cartons, candy boxes, shoe boxes, etc. all work. Often times you can find tons of usable containers for as much as 70% off after the holidays. So what if their original purpose was Easter baskets, Christmas boxes, or Dorm room accessories,  all can be re-purposed and used for storage.

Consumer Savvy Carol: Nurture Your Creativity With J&O.

In these economically uncertain times, our survival skills kick in and our natural response is to cut back, cut out and hold our breath while the nightly news reports on yet another mass lay off of jobs. We join the ever growing population of stressed out worker bees and me-myself-and-I clones in the competitive rat race called ‘life’, who find truth in the encouraged notion that it is survival of the fittest, with no rest for the weary. It is a delusional and vicious spiral of continuous fear based responses that chip away at the ‘reality’ of what it means to be alive.

Consumer Savvy Carol: Handcrafted Holiday Fabric Wraps & Bows

With Christmas less than a few days away and Kwanzaa soon following, why not pull on your creative juices and save a little money at the same time with great fabric gift wrappings and bows?

For most crafters and designers alike, fabric scraps from botched projects, incomplete projects, and projects with more fabric left over than used, often times accumulate into colorful mountains of textured material eagerly waiting to be recycled and put to good use. Many times the end result is a funky reconstructed shirt, festively trimmed greeting card, or cute little fabricated doll for the holidays. But what about using that beautiful fabric as an inexpensive and easy substitute for actual store bought wrapping paper for use during the holidays and any special occasion.

“Pressure Makes Diamonds!” By Consumer Savvy Carol

The old school saying, “pressure makes diamonds” vibrates as a hopeful reminder that in these crazy economic times, the threat of financial hardship crushing us can serve as a motivation to use our God given imagination to create lemonade out of lemons. And not just any old lemonade either. I’m talking about the kind of lemonade that gets discovered, packaged and sold as an exotic beverage because of its unique texture and taste. You know, the kind that only you can make because there’s only one you in this whole wide world. The kind that creates a demand so great that instead of baking under the unrelenting sun as you earn just enough to get by, you instead find yourself basking under a warm and generous sun as you await your next check from the shares in your now successful beverage line. And to think, this time last year, you were fearing foreclosures and bankruptcy.

J&O Fabrics and You!

As one of the largest fabric stores in South Jersey, J&O Fabrics constantly strives to meet our customers’ fabric needs, textile inquiries and crafting solutions with the first hand knowledge and general concern that over 45 years of being in the fabric business provides. Even as we move deeper into the age of technology, and new material from all around the world is being placed at our fingertips with just the click of a button, we at J&O continually strive to maintain that personal rapport with our customers that our growing family owned operation was built upon. From the teen aged novice at our local high school purchasing a few yards of the latest designer dress fabrics for the fashionable masterpiece that will ensure her a chance at fame as the next top designer in ‘Project Runway’, to the experienced interior design group from Italy that orders no less than 50 yards at a time of our top shelf tapestry and upholstery to create dream rooms for their celebrity clientele; no request is too big or too small.