Get Ready For March MADNESS!

jandofabrics, ncaa

mad·ness \ -noun
1. the state of being mad; insanity.
2. senseless folly: It is sheer madness to speak as you do.
3. intense excitement or enthusiasm.
4. frenzy; rage.

While Websters Dictionary describes madness in the terms above, the arrival of March signals a unique type of madness that goes along with the long-awaited thawing of winter’s ice and snow, chirping birds, sprouting buds and evolving green landscapes. In the midst of all this gentleness lurks a recurring madness that blows in with March and builds to a frenetic conclusion in the final weeks of the month. This seasonal insanity is aptly called “March Madness”; and among its symptoms are the strong growing weak, the weak growing strong, and constant talk of Cinderella.

New Alabama Crimson Tide Tailgate Fleece in at J&O Fabrics!

January 1, 2010 has brought in not only a new year, but new fabric too, and J&O Fabrics is excited to list this latest addition of tailgate fleece to our Alabama Crimson Tide Collegiate collection.

The team originally rose to prominence following their 1922 victory win over Penn and the building of a dynasty after then coach Wallace Wade led the University of Alabama football team to the Rose Bowl win over Washington. The teams newfound popularity had students, football players, and fans alike from the Northeast enrolling at Alabama at such a rate that by 1930, over one-their of the student body was from out-of-state.