Get Ready For March MADNESS!

jandofabrics, ncaa

mad·ness \ -noun
1. the state of being mad; insanity.
2. senseless folly: It is sheer madness to speak as you do.
3. intense excitement or enthusiasm.
4. frenzy; rage.

While Websters Dictionary describes madness in the terms above, the arrival of March signals a unique type of madness that goes along with the long-awaited thawing of winter’s ice and snow, chirping birds, sprouting buds and evolving green landscapes. In the midst of all this gentleness lurks a recurring madness that blows in with March and builds to a frenetic conclusion in the final weeks of the month. This seasonal insanity is aptly called “March Madness”; and among its symptoms are the strong growing weak, the weak growing strong, and constant talk of Cinderella.