Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

Sugar and Spice and Everything Niceimage by Tobyotter

What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice and everything nice. That’s what little girls are made of! Ask any mother of a little girl and she will agree with this poem whole heartily! There is just something fun about sewing for girls. All the lace and sparkles, netting and organza still makes me get excited. I suppose I’ve never outgrown dressing in pink and enjoying girl-y prints. Thankfully J&O has just the selection of fabric I need to fulfill all little girl’s fairytale fantasies.

J&O Crafty Customer: Jenny’s Angels

jandofabrics, jenny's angels

As our Facebook Fan page continues to grow, more and more of our crafty customers are showing off  their cool creations for our J&O family and community to view, share and comment on. One such fan is Karen Jordan of Jenny’s Angels, a line of custom made aprons and christening outfits designed in honor of Karen’s best friend Jenny who passed awaiting a kidney transplant. For Karen, all babies are angels, and since her line is named for Jen, a portion of every design sold is donated to the American Diabetes Foundation in her name . Jenny also loved butterflies, so on all of Karen’s custom christening gown designs there is a butterfly somewhere. Since Karen is a religious follower of our J&O Fabrics  acebook page, she is constantly replenishing her fabric stock with cool prints from our store and has this to say about our fabulous collection of Michael Miller prints and more…

Fabric for the Cowboys and Cowgirls

Cowboy Silhouette by horsephoto stock.xchngI suppose every child goes through a phase where they dream of being a cowboy or cowgirl. I know I sure did! Growing up my dad and I often watched re-runs of Roy Rogers and Gene Autry. No matter what the bad guy with the black hat did, the cowboy with the white hat came out on top, singing as he rode into the sunset. I miss those classic shows and wish we had that good old fashion entertainment once again!

Fascinating Fabric: Sensational Seaweed


Recently, a number of organic clothing lines have sprung up promising that their processes are easy on the environment as well as bright and trendy. However, all too often companies only follow through with the organic aspect of that promise. We at J&O are happy to say that IMAGINE GreenWear breaks the mold and comes shining through as an answer to the prayers of the fashion conscious consumer interested in reducing their carbon footprint.




Fascinating Fabric: Milking Fabric For All It’s Worth



When we at J&O think of milk, we think of cows and delicious goodies that one might drink milk with (like chocolate cake for example). The last thing that we think of is what we know best, fabric. That is why we were incredibly surprised when we found out that German designer and scientist Anke Domaske created an organic fiber using spoiled milk.



Fabrics that can Charge Your Ipod?

What would you give to have a fabric that can be used not only as a fashion statement, but as a practical means of charging your personal electronics? Though it may sound like it at first, this idea is not the stuff of science fiction but a very real development in textiles. 

A collaborative effort between American and Italian scientists led researchers to discover a viable way of coating cotton threads with a layer of semiconductor polymers and nanoparticles. Because of this the cotton threads act as electrical wires.