2014 Color Trends



Twice a year, color forecasters go into research mode to predict and dictate the palates that the fashion industry and ultimately, we as consumers, will prescribe to for the season ahead.  One of the most respected and established is Pantone. With almost 2,000 colors in their index of tile colors and over 20 years of setting the color standards used worldwide to create a unified communication code for international use, they have become one of the leading global authorities on color.  Once their forecast is set, textile manufactures produce specifically dyed fabrics that designers inturn purchase for their collections. For them, these forecasts are viewed as a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ where those who choose to follow will become part of what ultimately becomes the trend….and what designer wants to be irrelevant?

Frolic Fashionably This Fall

There are some seriously bold trends that hit the runway this fall. And when we say bold we mean daring and in highlighter colors. This is our straight forward guide to help you navigate through a sea of mismatched patterns and confusing fads.

#1: Color Blocking


A lot of shoppers are afraid to jump into this trend. Many think that the bright geometric shapes are unflattering or just downright frightening to try to pull off. Just remember that even though you are shopping for a specific look, you should still shop for your body type and not just buy pieces because they fit this style. If you are simply frightened of wearing a skirt with orange and green blocks all over it but still want to rock this look, starting out small with shoes is a good place to begin.

J&O Fabrics Top Choice 68th Annual Golden Globe Red Carpet Fashion

jandofabrics, jennifer lopez, j-lo, silk, chiffon, silk-chiffon, dress fabric,

Jennifer in Zurhair Murad

What would The Golden Globes be without red carpet fashion? And what would red carpet fashion be without the beautiful array of fabrics, one of a kind designs, and individual styles of the entertainers and actors that lumber, strut, and glide their way across it for our viewing pleasure year after year? 

What would it be? Simply boring I would imagine. 

But thanks to this fascinating little inborn ability all humans possess that allows us to conceptualize a thought in our minds , create a visual image of that thought, and bring that vision into fruition (in one way or another), we get to experience different ways of expressing ones’ self to the world and the approval or disapproval of others who are ironically striving to do the same.  

J&O Fabrics 2010 Emmy Worst Dressed Award Goes To…

Far be it from me to judge another on their sense of style and dress, but I have to say, out of all the interesting and creative design concepts that walked across the red carpet during Sunday nights 62nd Annual Emmy Awards, the very mod retro yet slightly DIY inspired dress and shoe set worn by the lovely Rita Wilson kind of rubbed me the wrong way. It wasn’t the crystal mesh gown from Prada that struck a cord with me as much as the coordinated crystal drop chandelier heels that really had me reminiscing about the art and craft classes from my youth. And though I was pleased to see Rita with a little less cleavage showing, I was a bit disappointed at the visual decadence none the less.

J&O Fabrics Walks the Red Carpet at the 2008 Emmy Awards!

Sunday night, The Emmy’s celebrated their 60th year with their annual Prime Time Awards Ceremony on ABC television. Presented in recognition of excellence in American prime time television programming, the Emmy’s were established as part of an image-building and public relations opportunity that soon became not only a highly anticipated and time honored event, but also a gossip and fashion columnists heaven, as the who’s who of evening tube viewing stepped onto the red carpet in colors that popped, cuts that dropped, and styles that rocked.