Celebrating African Fabric Textile Contributions !



As Americans celebrate the inventions and legacies of Africans / African-Americans throughout history this month, reflections of their art, history and cultural traditions can be found in almost every aspect of our society. In recognition of their traditional African fabric textile contributions,  the J&O Family would like to take a moment to highlight some of the beautiful waxed prints and metallics available for your crafting and quilting pleasure.

Celebrating July 4th, Food, Fabrics and YOU!


With summer quickly passing by and sun worshipers trying desperately to slow her pace down, many find themselves scrambling to prepare for one of the seasons biggest festive occasions… the Fourth of July.

Celebrated on that day with fireworks, cook outs, commemorations, and trips to the shore, Independence Day offers a time for reflection, human connection, great food and so much more. At J&O we keep our special occasion fabrics stocked year round for our quilters and artisans to gather and coordinate their projects and quilts well before the rush. Here are a few such popular themed prints and designs to fit the holiday theme and offer nostalgia.

Something Old, Something New….5 Cool DIY Wedding Craft Tutorials for You!


Although largely a British custom, the old English rhyme “something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue” connected to weddings is said to attest to the human tendency to value continuity and new beginnings, unity and separation. Something old represents continuity; something new offers optimism for the future; something borrowed symbolizes borrowed happiness; something blue stands for purity, love, and fidelity; and a sixpence in your shoe is a wish for good fortune and prosperity. While various renditions of this tradition have been adopted into wedding ceremonies crossing both cultural and ethnic divides, it’s symbolic meaning has remained intact offering traditionalists and new-agers alike the opportunity to incorporate and make their special day as unique as the love the two of them share.

J&O Fabrics Crafty Customer: Ms Julie Zea and a Costume Party Fit for True Cupcake Lovers!

jandofabrics customer, j. isaac, cupcake novelty fabric

Recently we posted a blog featuring the fun novelty cupcake print suit worn by none other than Hip Hop artist Snoop Dogg in Katy Perry’s ‘California Girls’ video . Much to our surprise, we didn’t need to look all the way to California for cool use of such a tasty pastry print. Enter in, Ms Julie Zea, one of our fabulous facebook fans and J&O customer.

J&O Fabrics Celebrates Memorial Day!

 As many Americans dust off their summer patio furniture, pull out their trusty grills, tame their out of control yards, and gear up for a guarenteed weekend of food and fun, still others are remembering loved ones lost, dreams deferred, and the lives of those who stood on the frontlines and so bravely defended what they believed in til the end. From traditional trips to memorial sites to honor fallen hero’s and mourn the loss of life, to the gathering of friends and family to celebrate life and the beginning of the summer season, all weekend long it seems wherever you turn, there are flags waving at half staff, parades, picnics, poppy donations, and reminders of what makes America the land of the free and the home of the brave.