Organic Bamboo! Best Summer Fabric In Town.


With the summer quickly moving along and temperatures running high, naturally anti-bacterial and odor resistant organic bamboo fabric which is breathable even in the hottest weather, is also one of the coolest summer fabrics in town and we have Mother Nature to thank for that!

Traditionally used in China and Japan to make hats and shoes, and in the South Pacific for housing and utensils, bamboo has undergone many processes to create the fiberous form found in modern day wear.  Whether you’re decorating your summer home, designing a collection, or simply making a few pieces for yourself, be beckoned by bamboo and keep your cool at the same time.

Go Green! Top 10 Eco-Friendly Terms To Look For On Your Next Shopping Trip.


We are living in a time when the rich resources our loving Mother Earth has provided us with are now, as a result of abuse and misuse by man, in need of sustaining to ensure their provision not only for her living inhabitants now, but for future generations to come. It is because of this, that a growing awareness in and ‘go-green’ consciousness of creative ways to assist in this precious recycling of resources has developed. From Number 1 PET or PETE soda and water bottle plastics recycled into polar fleece, to the use of natural fibers, dyes and chemical free cleaning processes on our textile goods, being eco-friendly has become as necessary as it has trendy!

My Santa Wish List…From J&O Fabrics Facebook Fans!

With so many new fabrics delivered to our J&O Fabric Store each day, seems just when I’ve found the perfect ones to add to my Santa wish list, another print or design comes in and distracts me even more. Guess that is the blessing and curse of working at a place that feeds your creative needs so consistantly. Like a drug dealer and his dope fiend, instead of one more hit, hit me with one more yard and I am flying high!

Now with Christmas Eve less than a few hours away and craft ideas for the upcoming year already formulating in the crevises of my mind, curiousity had wondering…

Go Green Gina’s ‘Top 10 Eco-Friendly Fabric Terms’.

With all the talk of eco-friendly this, and go-green that, is it any wonder why being politically correct with our green living jargon is becoming seemingly more and more difficult? When it comes to the world of textile goods, this confusion doesn’t cease to exist, but hopefully with a little help from our Top 10 Eco-Friendly Textile Terms, it will make your next purchase of Earth friendly fabric just a little easier.

1. Biodegradable: fabric fibers that break down naturally with the assistance of microorganisms (ie cotton, linen, wool, silk)

2. Organic: free from harmful chemical pesticides and fertilizers; involving only natural animal and/or vegetable based ingredients.

J&O Celebrates Earth Day 2010!


State of Planet Earth 2010 Fast Facts:


  • We throw away enough trash every day to fill 63,000 garbage trucks.
  •  Over 80% of items in landfills can be recycled, but they’re not.
  •  U.S. vehicle emissions contribute 45% to global warming .
  • Vehicle exhaust contributes to 60% of carbon monoxide emissions in the U.S. and up to 95% in large cities .
  •  Every year 335,000 Americans die of lung cancer, which is a direct result of air pollution.
  •  Over 73 different kinds of pesticides have been found in the groundwater that we eventually use to drink