Colorful Classroom Crate Seat Tutorial



As the summer season comes to an end and teachers around the country convene on closed up classrooms looking to revive them on shoestring budgets in preparation for the influx of new students about to descend upon its furnishings in the weeks to come, DIY crate seats built for comfort and storage rate high on the time sensitive to-do-lists. But have no fear, J&O Fabrics has just the right selection of child-friendly fabrics at the click of a button to help our wonderful educators inspire impressionable minds while educating at the same time. From alphabet and addition themed prints to colorful character filled material and funky geometric designs, our assortment is as endless and our shoppers’ creative minds. With the right fabric and just a few steps, your classroom can go from outdated to updated before the first class bell rings.

Back to School: Roll Up Pencil Totes

It is back to school time once again, and that means supplies and storage! While there is likely to come a day when the pencil is completely erased by the computer in schools, they are still on the teacher’s list right now!

Sharpen your student’s pencil collection with this cute DIY roll up tote! Begin by selecting your fabric here!

You will need:
• An 18-20” wide place mat
• Fabric or fabrics (depending on how fancy you are feeling!)
• Ruler
• Washable marker or…pencil!
• String, ribbon or shoelace

J&O Fabrics presents: Back to School

Oh my! Is it that time of the year already? Back to school makes me think of so many things. The early morning rush, making lunch (I hope I have one more juice box), kid free days, homework filled nights, permission slips to sign and scholastic book sales, to name a few!

The line: I would send you a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils from Nora Ephrons
You Got Mail
pretty much sums up my feelings on the start of a new school year. New beginnings permeate the air!

Consumer Savvy Carol: Fun Felt Finger Puppets

Gone are the days of creative thinking and imagination. As the shelves of our local toy stores fill with more and more electronic devises like PSP’s, DS Systems, and the Wee, more and more parents are ditching their ancient arts and crafts supplies and investing in a future of artificial intelligence and mental over-stimulation for their little boys and girls. Some are spending money they don’t have and encouraging a life of immediate gratification void of physical interaction, and wondering why their children seem so desensitized by life. But who says children don’t like hand made toys anymore? And what child doesn’t still get filled with pride and joy at the sight of a fantastically cool game, craft or toy they made all by themselves?

Consumer Savvy Carol: Handcrafted Holiday Fabric Wraps & Bows

With Christmas less than a few days away and Kwanzaa soon following, why not pull on your creative juices and save a little money at the same time with great fabric gift wrappings and bows?

For most crafters and designers alike, fabric scraps from botched projects, incomplete projects, and projects with more fabric left over than used, often times accumulate into colorful mountains of textured material eagerly waiting to be recycled and put to good use. Many times the end result is a funky reconstructed shirt, festively trimmed greeting card, or cute little fabricated doll for the holidays. But what about using that beautiful fabric as an inexpensive and easy substitute for actual store bought wrapping paper for use during the holidays and any special occasion.

Consumer Savvy Carol : Tip 101 “YoYo Mom!”

If you’re anything like me, these days I’m sure you find yourself cringing in the supermarkets isles. Sometimes I think I’d be better off taking advantage of the dollar menu at the nearest fast food restaurant. Times are tough right now for the average family and as a Mom, I know I feel responsible for making every dollar stretch as far as possible. Sometimes it’s challenging not to take the easy way out. But there are lots of creative choices we can make to stretch our dollars. Maybe all it takes is a shift in our perceptions of a more simplified reality.

Fabric Book Mark Crafts from J&O Fabric Store.

With the lazy, hazy days of summer slowly coming to an end, and the colorful display of autumn only a few weeks away, it’s time to start thinking about school again. From shopping for school supplies, to shopping for the latest fall fashions, the back-to-school ritual can be found in kindergarten classrooms and college dorms across America as students young and old stock up on the trendiest folders and backpacks, and the hottest jeans and sneakers. And what is school without books. From American history to Great English literary works, if they are not used for digesting large amounts of spoon fed material, they certainly are good for the daily graphic art entry as you dreamingly pass time waiting for the final bell to ring.

Back To School with Fabric Book Cover Crafts.

With the lazy, hazy days of summer slowly coming to an end, and the colorful display of autumn only a few weeks away, it’s time to start thinking about school again. From shopping for school supplies to shopping for the latest fall fashions, the back-to-school ritual can be found in kindergarten classrooms and college dorms across America as students young and old stock up on the trendiest folders and backpacks, and the hottest jeans and sneakers.