Spring Has Sprung!

Spring Flowers by Promaneximage by promanex

I don’t know about you but, I am so excited that spring has sprung! The daffodils are blooming and tulips are blowing in the breeze! There are robins hopping along the lawn and the grass is starting to turn my favorite shade of spring green. After a winter of browns and greys there is nothing like seeing everything spring to life around you again.

J&O Crafty Customer: Sylvia Nah

jandofabricsWith spring unfolding after a barren yet pretty mild east coast winter, the desire for hibernating warm-blooded mammals (people included) to dig out their warm dens, open their entrance ways, and usher in sweet-smelling Spring is already underway. From recycling old fabric and fashions, to bringing new life to outdated designs by reupholstering home furnishings and great vintage finds, spring is a season of transformation and renewal…J&O Style! With this in mind, we thought we’d take a moment to showcase one of our crafty customers’ more recent revitalizing projects she actually did for a co-worker who was expecting her first child. Check out her reupholstered rocker project below, then check out our selection of upholstery fabrics and tapestries both great for adding a whole new look and attitude to your home decor.

Cozy Flannel Projects


This is the perfect time of year to start some flannel projects. Wrap yourself in the warmest and softest flannels! Here at J&O we carry over 50 different cotton flannel novelty prints and 10 different colors!  Our out of this world flannel selection is sure to spark your creativity. The ideas below are a springboard to get your creative juices flowing! Also, don’t forget we’re offering Free Shipping on orders over $75.00!* Just enter the coupon code: FreeShip1

J&O Celebrates Black History Month 365 Days of the Year!

As February rolls in, so does the month long celebration honoring the multitude of contributions African-Americans have made towards the advancement of not only our country, but the human race as a whole in the fields of science, math, literature, medicine, technology, agriculture, art, music and more. From our family friend,a.k.a., the remote control, invented by Joseph Jackson, to our life saving blood plasma discovered by none other than Dr Charles Drew, the list of creative ideas that have made their way into the daily lives of Americans seems endless.