As our Facebook Fan page continues to grow, more and more of our crafty customers are showing off their cool creations for our J&O family and community to view, share and comment on. One such fan is Karen Jordan of Jenny’s Angels, a line of custom made aprons and christening outfits designed in honor of Karen’s best friend Jenny who passed awaiting a kidney transplant. For Karen, all babies are angels, and since her line is named for Jen, a portion of every design sold is donated to the American Diabetes Foundation in her name . Jenny also loved butterflies, so on all of Karen’s custom christening gown designs there is a butterfly somewhere. Since Karen is a religious follower of our J&O Fabrics acebook page, she is constantly replenishing her fabric stock with cool prints from our store and has this to say about our fabulous collection of Michael Miller prints and more…
Tag Archives: aprons
J&O Fabrics Retro Revival Contest: And the Winners Are…
It was BIG!
It was HUGE!
Two companies, one contest, and a ton of cool prizes from J&O fabrics and Retro Revival up for grabs!
Now that it’s over, we’re pleased to announce the winners of our giveaway!
Drum roll please…..
After a few weeks of contestants uploading pics of their inspirational retro looks on our facebook page, and then a few more spent bribing family, friends, and J&O facebook fans to ‘ like ‘ them, it came down to an innocent looking woman with a big beautiful smile, a man not afraid to do a little house work, a cute retro style apron, and a Halloween inspired ensemble that would make anybody scream…in excitement of course!
J&O Fabrics Retro Fabric Contest
It’s a Retro Revival!!!
Polyester suits, bell bottom pants, disco, pet rocks and fat ties are some things that many of us gave permission to quietly fade into oblivion when it comes to the 70’s era. But the 70’s also produced some great bands, movies, home furnishings and funky retro fabric prints. From bold geometric shapes in vibrant colors, to psychodelic designs with funky artistic flair, visually stimulation was ‘in’. Some of you may even remember other design elements found in seventies furniture and interior decorating including shag-pile carpet, textured walls, lacquered furniture, gaudy lampshades, molded plastic furniture, and of course… plaids! In honor of the era and the patterns that sustained their popularity thru the many fashion trends and cycles of life, J&O Fabrics alongside Retro Revival, are pleased to announce an incredibly awesome contest for the 70’s/vintage fabric lover in you!
J&O Fabric Store: 10 Most Popular 1st Time Sewing Projects
From hats made of craft felt and bags made from denim, to pillows created with remnants from decorative fabric and quilts using a mixture of upholstery, novelty cotton , and dress fabrics, our first sewing project is usually a special one whether for better or for worse.
In one of our previous “Hey” posts on Facebook, our J&O Fabric Store inquiring minds asked our crafty fans what was the first thing they ever made on a sewing machine. Figuring that like most of us girls who either took Home Economics in school or participated in Girl Scouts, pillow cases and aprons would be the #1 answer. Yet to our surprise, it wasn’t. What was the top first sewing project for young ladies? Check out our list of Top 10 Most Popular 1st Time Sewing Projects below to find out. And as always….Happy Sewing!