Make Stuffed Animals from Children’s Drawings!

When it comes to crafting, Martha Stewart is fabulous! Recently I came across her idea to craft stuffed animal toys from children’s drawings, how creative! Of course, you can find the fabrics you need at J&O Fabrics, and just follow the simple instructions below to bring your child’s imagination to life!

Stuffed toys from children's drawings

This cute tutorial is from Martha Stewart Kids, all photos are from her website. We are constantly in search of fabric crafting ideas for our clients–please share yours with us on Pinterest!


 1. To take your child’s drawing from paper to plush, just cut out the creature and use it as a pattern. Next, pin the pattern facedown onto two sheets of fabric. Trace the creature onto the fabric, leaving a ¼ allowance to work with.

2. Cut out the fabric and sew the two sides together, right sides facing, leaving a gap to stuff. Turn inside out, stuff and finish closing gap.

3. Now you can embellish with eyes, ears, mouth, limbs and more to make it look like the picture! Your little one will be pleased with the results!

DIY stuffed animals

 Every child is an artist. Notice how different each penguin appears! Share your artwork and photos with us on Facebook!


The photos above are Martha Stewart. If your child is a bit younger, or perhaps a bit more abstract, this craft can still be achieved! Just see the photos below for inspiration: (note: some of these require a bit more complexity than the above examples!)

stuffed toys from drawings

Rainbow bunny

stuffed toys from drawings

Robot-monster mash!

stuffed toys from drawings

Chipmunk-squirrel hybrid? No problem!

stuffed toys from drawings

We will just call him…Al

stuffed toys from drawings

Bat-rabbit-beaver? Done!

stuffed toys from drawings

Anything is possible! 

Post by J&O Fabrics

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