NFL Fabric Of The Day: The Chicago Bears


This season we are looking at a brand new Chicago Bears with a brand new attitude. Our team is bolder and better than last year so in celebration of the Bears stepping up their game, we at J&O thought we would step up ours as well and feature them as the NFL fabric of the day! We hope you love all of our favorite fabric pics for our grizzly team.


Trying to think of new ways to decorate for your next football party? Our Chicago Bears cotton fabrics are versatile enough to be in any project you can dream up from Bears themed curtains to a full outfit for your pooch. PS, if you try either of those or have in the past, we are definitely going to want to see the finished project.




When the Bears tie it all up with a mind-blowing touchdown, you don’t want the salsa con queso that was tipped over during the celebration to ruin your fun or your table. Be sure to cover your snack-zone with this durable vinyl to keep your football party running smoothly.




Need a material as strong as your team? Whether you are making a tote bag or a beach chair, our Chicago Bears Duckcloth does the job and does it well. It is not often that you can find something strong enough to take a beating from day-to-day use, that is still flexible, soft and esthetically appealing.



They don’t call it “The Windy City” because a gentle breeze blows through every now and then. Chicago got that nickname because the weather is as fierce as this team’s namesake. Natives know a thing or two about bundling up and facing conditions which is why they love our Chicago Bears Fleece Fabric. We at J&O just how important those extra layers are on game day which is why we have a variety of patterns to choose from.




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