J&O’s 10 Top Most Popular NFL Fabrics!



With an exciting 2014 NFL football season already well underway (Go Eagles!!) quilters, crafters and die hard fans are buying up NFL fabric stock to make everything from quick-n-easy no-sew-fleece-throws to customized gifts rep’n the teams they (and others) love with visions of Superbowl 2015 wins dancing in their heads or if nothing less, some great games and stories along the way.

So what does all this mean for manufacturers and distributors like J&O Fabrics alike?

Demand! Demand! Demand! :O

As quickly as the fabrics are produced and shipped out from the mills to our fabric store, it’s cut, packed and shipped right back out to eager consumers worldwide again with many of the teams not even get a chance to sit our shelves for long . From the ever-in-demand Sea Hawks cotton and fleece, to the Denver Broncos and Philadephia Eagles soon to take the lead,  the NFL season is sure to be both a crazy and chaotic one for everyone from the industry and players, to the retailers and fans alike!

To celebrate the players and teams we all love, we at J&O thought it be fun to  kick off the season with a list of our top ten most popular selling teams since the season began. If yours is on the list, you may not want to delay. Instead of chancing ‘out of stock’, we’d rather hear you chanting ‘hip, hip, hooray’!


TOP 10   (in not particular order)


Green Bay Packers


Pittsburg Steelers


Denver Broncos


San Francisco 49ers


Philadelphia Eagles


Denver Broncos


Seattle SeaHawks


New York Giants


Dallas Cowboys


Chicago Bears






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