J&O’s Fabric of the Week Award: Friendship by the Sea

Hailed as one of the most sought after contemporary artists in Britain today, designer Faye Whitaker just can’t help but take us back to an age of innocence and sweet surrender with her Friendship by the Sea line of designs for Elizabeth’s Studio. From the moment you rest your weary eyes upon her works of seaside inspired art, the stress lines and worry wrinkles of a life far too hectic, start to quietly fade away. You are instantly transported back the days of your youth, where sunsets seemed never ending, and the ocean would sing you her sweet lullaby until the sandman swept you gently away.

Born just north of England and equipped with her own distinctive palette of colors along with a romantic eye that never lost sight of the age of antiquity, Faye brings her interpretations to life here in her design for Elizabeth’s Studio simply called ‘Friendship Beach’. With her watercolor medium and contemporary style, we watch as little children float handcrafted toy sailboats, splash playfully in the cool waters, and dream of visiting the place where the big blue sea meets the orange colored horizon.

Printed against a sky blue canvas on a soft 100% cotton fabric, ‘Friendship Beach’ carries with it not only a 15 ¾”h x 7 ¾” v repeat, but all the internal peace and tranquility one could dream of in the days of innocence and youth. For all the reasons I child’s mind can see, Faye Whitaker’s ‘Friendship Beach’ is our pick for the fabric award of the week.

Check out our selection of tranquil
beach fabric here!
Check out our fun pirate fabric here!
Check out our other beach fabric here!

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