J&O Welcomes The Beatles!!

When the Beatles arrived on American shores in 1963, their brand of Rock & Roll wasn’t that far removed from the tracks laid down at Sun Studio in Memphis a few years before. By the time the Beatles were done as a group, they had taken Rock & Roll in previously unimagined directions, created a counter culture movement of revolutionary minded youths and taken America by storm! Within no time their songs became contagious hits that had men wearing long hair and protesting the American government, and crazed females from all age groups growing to unbelievable numbers. Not even the elders or the babes were immune from The Beatle virus infecting our music hungry nation. Their sound was upbeat and new, their energy was harmonious, and their look……well, let’s just say, fans far and wide had a hard time keeping their eyes off of them. From a 70 year old woman throwing her bloomers onto the stage at one of their live concerts, to a 22 year old man who wrote over 1000 love letters to each of the members in hopes to win their affections; countless stories have been told. Countless more still lay on the silent but smiling lips of our dearly departed, and in between the pages of our grandmother’s dusty diaries.

The Beatles have even made an impact on fabric too, as can be seen by the new ‘The Beatles’ series of novelty cotton fabrics found sitting right next to America’s famous Rock-n-Roll icon, Elvis Presley right here within the star filled isles of J&O Fabrics. If you are searching for an excuse to go mad and get down a bit, look no further. They’ve descended from their heavenly graves to sing for you once more with all the love they have to give. From memorable songs like ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand’, ‘Ticket to Ride’ and ‘Yesturday,’ to such hits as, ‘Hey Jude’, ‘Let It Be’ and ‘Help!’, John, Paul, Ringo & George left enough iconic tunes with us to last a lifetime, and enough love, peace and happiness for the world to eat off of.

There is nothing more nostalgic as the lyrics and rhythmic sounds of an old song, and nothing as pleasing to the soul as the good vibes or mental stimulation that come along with a Beatles tune. So what are you waiting for? Beatlemania is still very much alive, urging the revolutionary and love child in you to come out and play. At the end of a Hard Day’s Night, you owe it to yourself and the millions of fans still praising their names, to resurrect the wild teenager or school girl in you and wrap yourself up in a fabricated orgy of love one more time, for old times sake!

Check out The Beatles novelty prints here!

Check out our selection of fabulous novetly prints here!

Check out our Yellow Submarine novelty fabric here!

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