As one of the largest fabric stores in South Jersey, J&O Fabrics constantly strives to meet our customers’ fabric needs, textile inquiries and crafting solutions with the first hand knowledge and general concern that over 45 years of being in the fabric business provides. Even as we move deeper into the age of technology, and new material from all around the world is being placed at our fingertips with just the click of a button, we at J&O continually strive to maintain that personal rapport with our customers that our growing family owned operation was built upon. From the teen aged novice at our local high school purchasing a few yards of the latest designer dress fabrics for the fashionable masterpiece that will ensure her a chance at fame as the next top designer in ‘Project Runway’, to the experienced interior design group from Italy that orders no less than 50 yards at a time of our top shelf tapestry and upholstery to create dream rooms for their celebrity clientele; no request is too big or too small.
To help assist us in serving our customers better, J&O has brought in some additional helping hands to offer suggestions, provide assistance, juggle the brain cells, and inform our customers on the latest changes and advancements in an ever changing industry. From Consumer Savvy Carol, who will guide us through the changing economic climate with great money saving tips and useful resources, to Go Green Gina who will help us to preserve this wonderful planet we live on while also offering an alternative to a synthetic way of life, J&O hopes to create a one-stop-shopping experience that will not only leave our customers with a cart full of wonderful fabrics, but a pocket full of FREE info and ideas to take with them along their journey.
So look for us on the world wide web, listen for us on the lips of loyal J&O customers and visit us at our brick and mortar right outside the city of Brotherly Love. We’ll be waiting to serve you!
Netfah: Ask me a question, I will tell you no lie. With so many trade terms and technological advances, it can get tricky figuring out what fabrics would work best for what projects, or even what materials you may require to complete a creative task. For the answers to these questions and so much more, simply send me an email. Each week we will select a request from our pool and post a response for our viewing audience to see. We can’t guarantee we’ll get to yours first, but we will do our best to get to each and every one. Just Ask Netfah….
Gina: With so much talk about going green, global warming and recycled vs reconstructed, people around the world and across America are looking to do their part in saving our planet so that she can save us. And while some fall under the misconception that we have to find a solution to world pollution on our own with just one invention, more people are realizing the answer lies in the little things we do. From recycling textiles and clothing from our shelves, to purchasing fabric made from hemp or bamboo, the power of one is very powerful indeed. Check out Go Green Gina once a week as she offers up options and suggestions for a healthier and more holistic way of living …in the GREEN!
Carol: If you haven’t been affected by the economic crisis currently plaguing the American people, then you are one of the few. But like most of us, to one degree or another, we are feeling the side affects of a dis-eased ridden empire built off the backs of many and the continual pilferage of a few…. more. To help assist us with making the most of what materials we have, or for that matter, what crafts we create, Consumer Savvy Carol is here to offer her frugal minded suggestions and creative penny pinching tips. Check her out each week and let her save you a little money.
Sewing Tip of the Week: This weekly blog is dedicated to not only our novices, but our group of expert seamstresses and upholsterers as well. With so many new fabrics and techniques popping up every day, there’s always something new to learn. In this sections we will cover everything from alterations to zippers. We are not beneath the occasional short cut as well. Hand made pattern alternatives and no-sew supplies are researched and discussed. At J&O we believe our customers are some of the best crafters around. Feedback and suggestions are always welcomed!
Fabric Award of the Week: Every week J&O gets in new and fabulous fabrics that we in turn, place in our brick and mortar and on our online store for your shopping pleasure. From silky dress materials and beautiful decorative designs, to fashionable tapestries and fun novelty cotton prints, if you want it, most likely we got it. With over a thousand different fabrics to choose from, you can imagine the pressure to choose a number one pick to feature each week. But we like to keep it exciting around here, so if you are looking for what’s new and hot, make sure to check out this series and always visit our New Fabric section on our website for the list of runner ups. You never know the treasures you will find!
Check out our novelty cottons here!
Check out our fleece here!
Check out our phillies fabric here!
Posts by J&O Fabrics Store