J&O Fabric Store NFL Coolest Craft Contest Week 2!

Last week we posted a blog showcasing a few of our initial entrees for our “Coolest Handmade NFL Craft” contest, and what a response we got! Many who viewed it were indeed inspired to dust off their sewing machines, pull out their NFL fabric remnants, and get their creative wheels turning in the hopes at a winning a $50 American Express Gift Card to use whatever way you like. As we enter into week #2 of our contest, the submissions just keep pouring in. Especially our quilts and bedding crafts.

So, this week we are showcasing a few of our creative NFL crafts that are sure to heat up your creative juices and keep the chill off the backs of any football fan come game day! Literally. Whether its quilts, throws, hats or coats, showing love for your favorite team has never been so creative and fun.

The journey to the Superbowl is just starting, and so is our contest. Submit your hand crafted project in today and show our thousands of fans just how you represent your No# 1 NFL team. With a chance at winning free cash, you have nothing to loose and everything to gain by entering.

To enter, simply

*Just go to our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/jandofabrics

*Become a fan of J&O on Facebook

*Upload a picture or two of your handcrafted gift right under the wall

*Add a description of your project, and let the voting begin!

To vote, simply

*Become a fan of J&O Fabrics on Facebook

*Visit Fan Photos under our Photos section

*Visit our Poll section on Facebook to place your vote

*Only 1 vote per person will be counted and the most amount of votes wins

Remember, all entrees are due in no later than January 30th, 2010 and only one entree per person is admissible. Voting will begin on February 1st and end on February 7th (Super Bowl Sunday). Once selected, the winner will be notified via email and Facebook at some point during the game that day. Your finished project will then be featured on Facebook as well as our J&O Fabrics Blog Page for our customers worldwide to see.

Don’t forget, we are looking for the “coolest” NFL craft fashioned by you. So get your creative juices flowing and your fabric ordered. From cottons and vinyls to flannels and fleece, just the right fabric can make all the difference between first place and last. Don’t wait until its too late. With only 3 weeks left to go, the entrees are pouring in.

*Important Notice*

While we welcome your creative ideas and projects, all NFL patterns have been licensed by the National Football League, and are for individual consumption only. Any other use of this fabric is considered illegal and J&O Fabrics will not support or accept any contest entrees designed at the soliciting or selling of such. We thank you for your understanding.

NFL Cotton

NFL Polar Fleece

NFL Tablecloth/Tailgate Vinyl

NFL Flannel

NFL Remnants


pic #1-Handcrafted 32 Team NFL “Ragtime” quilt by Linda

pic #2-Doggie Fall Polar Fleece Coats by Karla

pic #3- Handmade UCLA “no-sew” blanket by Jackie

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