Ideas for J&O ‘Handcrafted Home Makeover Contest’


While many of our Facebook and J&O followers are busily documenting their miracle makeovers for our ‘Handcrafted Home Makeover Contest’, so too are the members of our J&O Family. And while we technically can not enter to win the free money giveaway, we sure are having fun behind closed doors seeing who can turn the old and ugly into the new and beautiful.

From recycled vintage lace doilies that now adorn unique sitting room pillows, to outdated mod retro kitchen curtains that have been adorned with elegant Baroque tassel fringe and sewn around lamp shade frames to create a mellow mood with a soulful 70’s grove in a modern-day house. What is really fun about the challenge is that it doesn’t cost much and it doesn’t have to be very time consuming. Depending on the degree of transformation you want to see, the amount of resources you have at your fingertips, and the stretch of your imagination, you can change the whole look and feel of a piece of furniture or a room in less than a few hours.

For all our eco-friendly friends and followers alike, our ‘Handcrafted Home Makeover Contest’ offers an opportunity to test your craftiness in upcycling, recycling and repurposing. Changing synthetic pillow casings to nature made organic kona cotton ones or living room drapes from chemically treated fabric to breathe easy bamboo fibers takes less than an hour. Who would’ve thought you could do something so profound like helping the planet in such little steps. Giving  Mother Earth a much needed holiday as you find new ways to recreate your space while doing your part to save the planet is a step in the right direction no matter how you look at it.

So for all our potential $50 free money winners and one-of-a-kind make over magicians, we look forward to seeing  and sharing your creative conquests in the days and weeks to come. Until then, happy homecrafting!

The contest…. J&O Fabrics ‘Handcrafted Home Makeover Challenge!’
The contestants…..You!
The submissions…Your handmade before & after spring cleaning makeover projects (w/pics)
The voters….. Our J&O Fabrics Facebook Fans.
The prize….. First Place $50 American Express Gift Card!
Runner Up $25 American Express Gift Card!


To enter simply:

• Go to our Facebook page
• Become a fan of J&O Fabrics on Facebook
• Upload your before & after pictures right under the wall
• Add a description of your handcrafted project

All entries are due by April 16, 2010. Voting starts April 18th on our Facebook page and ends April 25th. Winners announced Monday April 26, 2010. Once selected, the winner will be notified via email and Facebook. Your finished project will be featured on Facebook as well as our J&O Fabrics Blog Page for our customers worldwide to view. Remember, we are looking for the best handcrafted home makeovers fashioned by none other than you. So capture your old in a photo or two, work your magic, and show us the new. With plenty of new spring inspired upholstery, outdoor, and designer fabrics in our store to choose from, what are you waiting for? Our Handcrafted Home Makeover Challenge starts now!

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