I Got My Fabric, Now Give Me Spring!

outdoor fabric, jandofabrics

I don’t know how the weather is affecting folks around the nation, but on the east coast it  is clear, we are ready for the spring!

This desire was made obvious these past two weeks as sales in foam rubber and outdoor fabrics jumped at the first sight of warm weather. In line could be seen a sea of green foam and splashes of color in between, as sunbathers and nature worshipers alike stood one by one with craft items in hand. An air of anticipation surrounded them as they talked about the plans they had to turn yard spaces into tropical paradises, bring new life to old patio furnishings, set a new pace for the Jones’s to keep up with, or simply usher in the sun one revitalized lawn chair at a time. From textured vinyl and funky retro outdoor fabrics, to floral prints and pvc coated polyester,  seemed no bolt was left unrolled in a quest for the perfect design to suit  individuals’ project demands. And as each crafter turned alchemist could be found resorting to trusty notes, upholstery charts, or the accuracy of their own mental abilities to configure fabric yardage and foam thickness needs, it became all to clear that springs return couldn’t be delayed much longer. For she was surely going to be met with open arms and much applause, even if she remained for only for a day.

Yardage Chart for Upholstered Cushions


Cushions Without Pattern                                      Match With Pattern Match
Up to 26″ wide 2 Yards Each                                             2 1/2 Yards Each
27″ to 52″ wide 3 1/2 Yards Each                                                    5 1/2 Yards Each
53″ to 100″ wide 5 1/2 Yards Each                                                 7 1/2 Yards Each


foam rubber, jandofabrics


outdoor fabric, jandofabrics


outdoor fabric, stripes, jandofabrics


outdoor fabric, paisley, jandofabrics


Check out more outdoor fabrics
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