It is the most wonderful time of the year! As the song says, there is much mistletoeing and hearts are glowing with holiday cheer. However, with all of the craziness that surrounds the holidays with cleaning and decorating the house for parties, putting up relatives, cooking, and finding the perfect tree, figuring out a gift that is personal and fits into your budget can be quite difficult. That is why we love making fleece fabric blankets for gifts. They are fantastic for friends at the office and for kids to make for teachers.
Even the simplest projects can often seem overwhelming if you don’t know how they are done. That is why we at J&O wanted to make things as easy as possible with this project and posted a video explaining step by step how no-sew blankets are made:

Making a blanket can be done quickly and easily while watching holiday movies with the family! All you need is a few yards of fleece (the size depends on how big you want your blanket to be) and some scissors. The trick is being able to pick a pattern that represents the interests of the person that you are making the blanket for. Have a picky recipient? We guarantee that you will be able to find something in our arsenal of fleece! We have everything from military themed fleece to college team fleece fabric.
If you have any additional tips be sure to post them in the comments! Also, if you have a fabulous blanket that you want to share, we really want to see it! Post pictures on our Facebook page and tell us all about your project. This is the season of giving, so give some inspiration to your fellow sewers and your fans at J&O Fabric, where we try to be more that just an online fabric store.