Easy Fleece and Ribbon No-Sew Pillow Project (NFL fleece available!)

I stumbled upon this adorable video tutorial by Family Fun that shows how to make an adorable ribbon and fleece pillow promptly! While the time it takes to finish this craft will vary depending on the crafter, the video tutorial is less than 2 minutes in length and makes it look incredibly easy to make this fluffy fleece dream! Grab your fleece fabric here and get started (NFL fleece fabric available)!

Ribbon and Fleece No Sew Pillow

I am not sure about you, but I am already making a mental list of which children will be receiving a special pillow this holiday season! This is such a personal, fast and affordable gift idea.

Watch the video clip above for complete directions to make this pillow. If you prefer, there are also written instructions below!

You will need:
• Ribbons in a variety of colors. I recommend purchasing the entire spools of ribbon, there are volumes on the shelves, even polka dots and plaids! You will cut the ribbon according to the size you would like the pillow. The small pillow in the video used 18 ribbons, 18 inches long and 7/8 inches wide.
• Fleece fabric. We have great colors and quality fleece fabric here at J&O, order yours now!
• An Iron
• Iron mending fabric
• Masking tape
• Pressing cloth
• Fiberfill or stuffing of your choice
• Scissors
• Marker

NFL fleece fabric

What to do:
• Start by weaving 4 ribbons together at their centers
• Continue weaving until you have a square with 9 ribbons on each side
• Tape the edges
• Transport panel to the ironing board, place pressing cloth onto the back and iron on the mending strips
• Transport section to fleece fabric and use a marker to mark where to cut the strips
• Remove section of ribbon and focus on cutting out fleece section
• Now place the ribbon section and fleece section on top of each other and begin tying the ribbon pieces to the fleece pieces, all the way around the pillow. Leave a gap open to stuff the pillow, and tie that closed once you are finished stuffing.

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