Felt Fabric Tooth Fairy Pocket

The days of loose teeth getting loose are gone with this handy Tooth Fairy pocket! Simple felt fabric makes a perfect storage satchel for a child’s tooth, just stow it under the pillow and replace the tooth with the loot!

Tooth Fairy Pocket

Finally, a tooth keeper for the Tooth Fairy ritual! No more fears about teeny tiny teeth going missing in the bed! 

You will need:

  • To believe in the Tooth Fairy
  • Some bright felt fabrics from J&O Fabrics
  • Wool felt in Ecru
  • Embroidery thread in ivory or white
  • Embroidery thread to match your felt
  • 30 inches of white cotton yarn
  •  Tooth template below
  • The finished tooth holder will measure 3-inches by 3-inches

Tooth Fairy Pocket

What to do:

  • Begin by cutting the felt fabric into a 3”x8” rectangle
  • Cut the yarn into two 14-inch strings
  • Fold each shorter side in ½” and pin
  • Using the color embroidery thread, sew the folds down using a running stitch, leaving a tube that you will later pull the drawstring through.
  • Next, fold it in half, right side facing, meeting the hems together.
  • Put the tooth piece in the center of the folded piece and pin it. Embroider it on with the ivory or white thread. Leave the top open, the child can place their tooth inside of the actual tooth piece, and the money will go inside of the sack!
  • Now fold the piece in half again with the right side out and the hems lined up and pin closed.
  • Finish by sewing with a running stitch using the color embroidery thread. Remember to leave the tubes open for the drawstring!
  • Add the drawstring and wait for the Tooth Fairy to make the exchange!

Tooth Fairy Pocket

Remember to leave the top of the felt tooth open, it is also a pocket!

Felt fabric

Find your favorite felt fabric colors in our online store!


Post by J&O Fabrics

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