Discount Fleece Extravaganza!

Fleece Extravaganza Sale J&O

If you need any fleece for holiday projects, gifts, or just to make something for your home, this is the time to buy some! From now until midnight on December 14th we are offering 20% off of all fleece fabric including Snuggies! Just type in the code FLE2011 when you are checking out to receive the discount. This is the easiest holiday shopping you will do all season. Below we have listed some of our most popular categories and who they are absolutely perfect for on your list.

Novelty Fleece

Perfect For: The kid or the kid at heart

Everyone wants to give the perfect holiday gift. For two months out of the year, we run around trying to find the perfect items for loved ones that show them that we are not only thinking of them fondly, but that we know them well enough to get them an awesome and personal gift. If you make your gift using novelty fleece you can save a lot of time rushing around a mall and find the perfect fabric to show someone you know what they like! Use this fleece to make scarves, hats, blankets, or even a bed for a fuzzy friend. Whatever you choose to do, we have the perfect fabric for it!

J&O Cheetah Polar Fleece

J&O Batman Insignia Fleece Panel

J&O Cool Skateboards Fleece


NFL Fleece

Perfect For: The tomboy/ tom girl and NFL fanatic

Football season is seriously starting to heat up and it looks like another Packers- Steelers Superbowl is not out of the question. Whether that fills you with glee or makes you want to punch one of those giant fuzzy mascots in the snout totally depends on who you are representing in the stands and on the couch at home. Make sure that everyone knows where your loyalties lie by dawning some of our fun and fuzzy NFL fleece fabric. Stay warm. Eat spinach dip. Cheer on your team. So simple, isn’t it?

jando eagles fleece fabric




NFL Fleece Snuggies

Perfect For: Your favorite snuggle bunny or lounger

Who likes to be cold while they are opening presents or watching holiday movies on the couch? Represent your favorite team and give your favorite lounger the gift of warmth this holiday season. You already have the couch and hot chocolate! The only thing missing to make sure you are completely comfortable and warm is an NFL Fleece Snuggie. Some of them even come with complementary pillows! You can’t miss.

Indianapolis Colts Fleece Snuggie

New York Jets Fleece Snuggie

Tennessee Titans Fleece Snuggie

Be sure to check out the rest of our discount fleece fabric if none of these options are jumping out at you. We also have a large selection of MLB fleece, military fleece, and solid fleece! If you make something totally awesome for a loved one this season or if you make something beautiful for yourself we want to see pictures! Be sure to post a few on our Facebook wall of your finished product. After all, it is the season of giving so give us and the other customers at J&O some inspiration!

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