Cow Urine: The Raw & Organic Fire Retardant.

I once read on old folk story about a group of holy sages in India who spent their lives creating havans and doing spiritual work for their Creator. Because of this sacred purifying fire ritual, they wore protective garb made from textiles dyed in cows urine to make the fabric fire retardant and fire repellent. In order to create a urine with these properties, the sages practiced a protocol of keeping the cows hungry for a few days and feeding them only fresh mango leaves. Afterwards, the first urine collected was used to dye the selected fabric. Now, I’ve heard of fire retardant applications and even used fire retardant spray myself, but cow urine as a fire retardant, now that is news to me!

Seems cow urine serves not only as an extinguisher of fires so to say, but an antiseptic, a fertilizer, a source of fuel, and an oddly refreshing tea too. In the Indian culture, they worship the gentle cow as the most sacred of all animals. Given the names Kamaduh and Surabhi, the cow represents the sustaining vital and productive principles. With so many ancient and modern day uses, it is no wonder the cow of India spiritually represents the fructifying power in nature….the Divine Mother of all.

The Indian culture is not the only one that revers the cow in such a way.

While more sacrificed than honored, here in America the cow is a vital source of red meat and diary for millions of men, women and children.

Among the Scandinavians, the divine cosmic cow was called Audhumla and each of her utters represented flowing rivers of milk that provide sustenance to all the beings that followed.

In Vedic history, the cow is a symbol of abundance and fertility as it represents both earth and sky.

Finally, in Ancient Egyptian scrolls, the goddess Nut is depicted with the cow having four stars on its belly representing the four corners of the Earth, again reflecting both its nourishing and sustaining qualities available for all of Mother Earths children.

So next time you are needing an application to meet the fire code for your publicly displayed textile or looking for a natural way to keep your raw materials and crafted fabric projects from burning, look for some pre-packaged cow urine in your local market or fabric store to save the day. If you can miraculously find it, take a deep breath and hold. In the end, it will certainly be alot safer, more eco-friendly and less expensive than the chemical spray or paint we have come to rely on.

Now if only we could get past the pungent odor lingering in our memory banks!

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