Save A Life, Adopt-A-Fabric Today!

With her cotton/polyester blend of fibers and water-repellent finish, Aruba Getaway II Stripes Outdoor is a versatile and colorful fabric that loves the great outdoors, being the center of attention, and showing off her many talents. Looking to add some spice to your life?

The perfect parent for this vibrant fabric has creative vision and plenty of patio cushions to cover. When you adopt-a-fabric like Aruba Getaway II Stripes Outdoor,  it’s a win-win situation for both, for a little bit of love and a home of her own is all this happy fabric needs.

When Green Is All There Is To Be…ADORN Yourself!

It’s not that easy bein’ green
Having to spend each day
The color of the leaves
When I think it could be nicer
Bein’ red or yellow or gold
Or something much more colorful like that

It’s not easy bein’ green
It seems you blend in
With so many other ordinary things
And people tend to pass you over
Cause you’re not standing out
Like flashy sparkles in the water
Or stars in the sky

But green’s the color of spring
And green can be cool and friendly like
And green can be big like a mountain
Or important like a river or tall like a tree

Top Summer Wedding Color Trends 2014


With June still reining as one of the most popular months for marriage ceremonies despite February’s National Wedding Month ownership, color and fabric trends for 2014 are the main question inquiring minds want to know as the month unfolds. According to Pantone and several leading wedding planners around the country, the top 5 colors  for 2014 are mint, dark blue, pink, black, and emerald with mint taking center stage. From bold shades to lighter hues, the summer bridal palate offers its own statement against the traditional white of the bride and black tux of the groom.

2014 Color Trends



Twice a year, color forecasters go into research mode to predict and dictate the palates that the fashion industry and ultimately, we as consumers, will prescribe to for the season ahead.  One of the most respected and established is Pantone. With almost 2,000 colors in their index of tile colors and over 20 years of setting the color standards used worldwide to create a unified communication code for international use, they have become one of the leading global authorities on color.  Once their forecast is set, textile manufactures produce specifically dyed fabrics that designers inturn purchase for their collections. For them, these forecasts are viewed as a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ where those who choose to follow will become part of what ultimately becomes the trend….and what designer wants to be irrelevant?

J&O Crafty Customer: Sylvia Nah

jandofabricsWith spring unfolding after a barren yet pretty mild east coast winter, the desire for hibernating warm-blooded mammals (people included) to dig out their warm dens, open their entrance ways, and usher in sweet-smelling Spring is already underway. From recycling old fabric and fashions, to bringing new life to outdated designs by reupholstering home furnishings and great vintage finds, spring is a season of transformation and renewal…J&O Style! With this in mind, we thought we’d take a moment to showcase one of our crafty customers’ more recent revitalizing projects she actually did for a co-worker who was expecting her first child. Check out her reupholstered rocker project below, then check out our selection of upholstery fabrics and tapestries both great for adding a whole new look and attitude to your home decor.

Frolic Fashionably This Fall

There are some seriously bold trends that hit the runway this fall. And when we say bold we mean daring and in highlighter colors. This is our straight forward guide to help you navigate through a sea of mismatched patterns and confusing fads.

#1: Color Blocking


A lot of shoppers are afraid to jump into this trend. Many think that the bright geometric shapes are unflattering or just downright frightening to try to pull off. Just remember that even though you are shopping for a specific look, you should still shop for your body type and not just buy pieces because they fit this style. If you are simply frightened of wearing a skirt with orange and green blocks all over it but still want to rock this look, starting out small with shoes is a good place to begin.