Barack Obama Visits J&O Fabric !

They say every man is born with a purpose, and from an early age, the unseen hand of purpose was upon Barack Obama; molding and shaping him, guiding him into and throughout his political career until his purpose met with victory at the 2008 presidential elections. A victory meant for him at this place and this time in the evolution of mankind. A purpose no more and no less than the little girl who grows up to become a successful actress or the little boy who becomes a starving artist. That all three honored their respective purposes is the dream most wish and strive to fulfill.

And speaking of dreams… J&O has a dream come true just for you. For a limited time you don’t have to travel all the way to Washington, D.C. to get a sight of this history making president, instead, just come over to J&O Fabrics and meet him face to face! That’s right, Barack Obama is right here at J&O Fabrics just in time for you to make a special request his presence in your home, office, or as an inspirational travel companion along your journey through life. Reflect in his presence, the road that lead him to the White House and the many motivational speeches he gave along the way.

Whether Democratic or Republic, rich or poor, or any walk of life, there is something to be said about the spoken hopes and dreams of Barack Obama. Barack Obama, a man with a mission and a message. Barack Obama, a man with a vision for humanity. Barack Obama, history in the making, making history for the whole world to see.

Our 44th President summed it up best during his speech following the Super Tuesday results in February 08′ when he said simply, ” We are the ones we have been waiting for.”

We all have a purpose, a part to play in this thing called life. So play it to win. You never know where it will lead you.

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