Ask Netfah Published July 12, 2010 at 533 × 400 in Ask Netfah: Poodle Skirt Fabric Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates.Powered by WP Greet Box WordPress Plugin
What is the best terry cloth (Egyptian or Pima or other) to use in making a stylized special towel sarong? Reply ↓
The best terry cloth to use would be a 100%organic cotton terry cloth for your stylized towel sarong. The two types of fabrics you mentioned, Egyptian and Pima, usually refer to a cotton shirting material. Reply ↓
What is the best terry cloth (Egyptian or Pima or other) to use in making a stylized special towel sarong?
The best terry cloth to use would be a 100%organic cotton terry cloth for your stylized towel sarong. The two types of fabrics you mentioned, Egyptian and Pima, usually refer to a cotton shirting material.