A New Year’s Message From J&O Fabrics.

2008 began a whole new cycle according to the Chinese Astrological Calendar. It was the year and the time for planting the seeds for the next twelve years, assessing our dreams and goals, and asking ourselves some really hard questions about what we want and who we want it with. The year of the Rat required us to look ourselves in the mirror, breathe a deep breath, and take those calculated steps forward without looking back. And that we did.

In 2008 Michael Phelps stepped up to the podium at the Olympics in Beijing and received his eight record winning medals with a smile of accomplishment and pride only a few months before governor Barack Obama ascended the stage before millions of viewers worldwide and became the first African American president elect of the United States in what many would call a monumentous event marking not only a shift in the consciousness of Americans from various ethnic and economic backgrounds, but in the future generation as well.

Auto drivers across America saw an increase in gasoline prices that reached some of the highest in history topping out at almost $5.00 per gallon, while stocks dropped to some of their lowest points as individuals and families fought to make their way through an increasing economic recession, wondering when they would get their $700 billion dollar bailout from Bush. As global warming and sustainable resource issues found their way into the conversations of both the young Gen X crew and the older Baby Boomers of the 40’s and 50’s, India set a world record by sending ten satellites into orbit in a single launch, and frozen water was found on Mars.

But as 2008 comes to a close and 2009 welcomes in the opportunity to meet our challenges with fear that will destroy mother Earth and her people, or with love that will ultimately cleanse the planet of all negative influences and help us to make the kind of choices that will bring us peace and joy, Americans contemplate their choices with a little more thought. 2009 is the year of the Ox and in that year; babies will be born possessing great leadership qualities including patience, strength, and organizational skills. Those who have been quiet in the past will now feel the urge to speak and they will have profound things to say. Visionaries will be the new celebrities and we will welcome their messages of faith and hope for the future. As we remember our brothers and sisters who left legacies behind in 2008, memorable names like South African songstress Mariam Makeba, Swiss explorer Jacques Piccard, comedian Bernie Mac, Chess Grandmaster Bobbie Fisher, and French Fashion Designer extraordinaire Yves Saint Laurent forever remain in our minds as reminders of the power of one. Uniting mankind together to learn about the true meaning of what it means to be human and part of a universal collective for the good of all will be our true test if we are willing to look ourselves in the mirror, breathe a deep breath, and take those calculated steps forward without looking back. I know we can do it, just as we did.

From all of us, to all of you, keep believing, keep creating, and keep moving forward. The dream of tomorrow is worth it.

Check out our new fabric prints for 2009 here!
Check out our great celebration fabric here!

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