If you have ever had a pet, especially a dog, you know how much they like to gnaw and entertain their Freudian oral fixations from time to time. Heaven forbid your cute canine finds boredom in their day, then so much for your pair of brand new sneakers and other objects of play. Of course one can find a million toys at a local pet store to spend their last $10 on, but why buy when you can make it I always say. Enter our D.I.Y. fleece toys for dog blog!
You’ve heard of no-sew-fleece-throws , pillows, hats and other cute crafts, but what about hand-mades for our beloved pets? Less than 1/4 yard is all it takes to make entertaining balls and ropes in an array of colors and sizes for everyone from Big Bruce and Tiny Tim to toss around to their hearts content. The best part, if you already have fleece remnants lying around your home, then this quick and easy remedy is practically FREE! Check out the link below courtesy of Crafted Niche for a step-by-step tutorial that shows you how.